The autopsy shows signs of torture in one of the bodies found in a house in Osuna | Andalusia | Spain

by time news

2023-08-17 19:08:14

Facade of the house in Osuna (Seville) where the bodies of a man and a woman appeared in an advanced state of decomposition. Rocío Ruz (Europa Press)

The preliminary results of the autopsies carried out on the corpses found in a house in the Seville town of Osuna (17,442 inhabitants), determine that both -a 77-year-old man and a 41-year-old woman- died due to violent causes. In the case of the man, a Spanish national, the body showed marks of numerous blows and fractures on the torso, head and arms, which shows signs of torture. She, a Ukrainian national, died as a result of suffocation.

The conclusions of the autopsy have been provided by the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia, which has also confirmed that both lived on a rental basis in the house on Mancilla street, in the center of Osuna, where their bodies were found in an advanced state. decomposition. The forensic doctors’ report allows the Civil Guard to rule out that it is a case of sexist violence and reinforces their theory that both died as a result of a settling of scores. A hypothesis that supports the fact that several marijuana plants were found inside the house.

Nor is it ruled out that they were victims of a violent robbery, but the fact that the house had an alarm weakens that thesis. What has been ruled out, according to sources of the investigation, is that it is a case of sexist violence.

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The local firefighters found the bodies this Tuesday, after responding to the alert from the woman’s relatives, who had been calling both for days without responding. The phone gave a signal for several days and then went off, so they called the Police, as detailed by the mayor.

In addition, some neighbors upset the emergency services when they saw that the bucket that collected the water from the air conditioning was overflowing and that it had been like this for several days. It had been a few days since they had been seen on the street, although his van and her car were still parked in front of the house. When the firefighters managed to enter, they found the two bodies in an advanced state of decomposition in different rooms of the house.

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The firefighters forced the door of the house to open and found the two bodies inside, in different rooms. The Court of First Instance and Instruction number 2 of Osuna, which is on duty, has opened preliminary proceedings after the appearance of the two corpses.

In statements to the media, the mayoress of Osuna regretted this “unfortunate and terrifying event” and the death of these two people in “apparently mysterious circumstances.” A nonagenarian neighbor of Osuna explained that the house was inhabited by a foreign female “clothing designer” and a man from Barcelona, ​​who had lived in the town for “two and a half years”. “They looked like a normal marriage, nothing strange has ever been seen,” she commented, stating that the discovery of the corpses in an advanced state of decomposition has been “a very big impact” for the local community.

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