The average Spanish salary is 480 euros lower than the EU average

by time news

2023-08-21 16:47:36

He Spanish average salary, which in 2022 scored a record high of 1,822 euros per month, is 21% lower than the average gross ordinary salary in the European Union, which last year stood at 2,302 euros per month. According to the analysis carried out by the Center for the Study of Adecco Based on data from the European statistical office Eurostat published this Monday, in absolute terms, Spaniards earn 480 euros less per month than the average for Europeans or, what amounts to the same thing, their annual salary is 5,760 euros less than that of the EU average.

The average salary in 2022 stood at 1,822 euros in Spain, compared to an average of 2,302 euros in the EU that reached 2,574 euros in France and 3,148 euros in Germany

Adecco’s analysis takes as its starting point the concept of “gross ordinary salary”, which includes regular monthly payments before calculating the corresponding deductions and withholdings. Therefore, all non-regular payments (extraordinary payments, overtime, delays, compensation) are excluded. Under this concept, the gross ordinary salary in Spain stood at an average of 1,822 euros per month in 2022, 4% above the previous year (1,751 euros), according to data from the Quarterly Survey of Labor Costs of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This survey raises to 1,886.80 euros the gross ordinary salary in the first quarter of 2023, 3.5% higher than the average recorded in 2022.

The neighbors of France and Portugal

The Adecco study focuses on the data from the different EU countries corresponding to 2022. If the Spanish salary is compared with that of its immediate neighbours, France and Portugal, it is observed that the Spanish average remuneration is 57.8% higher than that of the Portuguese country (1,154 euros per month), which translates into a difference of 668 euros per month (8,012 euros per year, difference). On the other hand, the Spanish ordinary remuneration is 29.2% lower than the French one (752 euros less each month and 9,026 euros less per year).

The wage gap between Spain and Germany It reached 1,326 euros per month in 2022 (15,911 euros per year), which implies that Spanish remuneration was 42.1% lower than that of Germany. “This difference means, for example, that an average Spanish wage earner needs to work almost 21 months to have an income similar to that of an average German wage earner in a year,” summarizes the IX Adecco Monitor on Wages.

Within the grid of the 27 countries that make up the European Union, the data of the gross ordinary salary of 2022 corresponding to Spain stands at a pintermediate position: There are 15 European countries whose average wages are lower than Spain’s, while eleven countries have higher wages than Spain’s.

Between 650 and 3,713 euros per month

Specifically, within the EU, there are eleven countries with an average salary of less than 1,200 euros per month: Bulgaria (650 euros/month), Romania (796 euros/month), Hungary (852 euros/month), Croatia (903 euros/month), Poland (941 euros/month), Latvia (978 euros/month), Slovakia (1,046 euros/month), Greece (1,049 euros/month), Lithuania (1,110 euros/month), Estonia (1,123 euros/month) and Portugal (1,154 euros/month). Although all of them are below 1,200 euros per month, there is a great disparity between them, since the average salary in Portugal is almost double that of Bulgaria, Adecco points out.

On the other hand, there are seven countries with an average remuneration of more than 1,200 euros per month, but less than 2,600 euros. Among them is spain (1,822 euros per month), together with Czech Republic (1,208 euros/month), Malta (1.354 euros/mes), Cyprus (1,359 euros/month), Slovenia (1,503 euros/month), Italy (2,174 euros/month) and France (2,574 euros/month). Within this group there are also wide differences: the median salary in France is more than double the salary in the Czech Republic.

Finally, nine countries register average salaries of more than 2,600 euros per month. are the cases of Sweden (2,604 euros/month), Finland (2,678 euros/month), Austria (2,964 euros/month), Netherlands (2,964 euros/month), Belgium (3,007 euros/month), Ireland (3,051 euros/month), Germany (3,148 euros/month), Denmark (3,573 euros/month) and Luxembourg (3,713 euros/month). This group is more homogeneous than the two previous ones, since the maximum difference is 42%.

Gap Bridging

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If the salary in Spain is compared with the two lowest in the EU (Bulgaria and Romania), the average Spanish salary is 2.8 times higher than the Bulgarian one (1,822 euros compared to 650 euros/month, respectively), with a difference monthly of 1,172 euros (14,064 euros/year). For its part, the average remuneration in Spain multiplies that of Romania by 2.3 (1,822 euros versus 796 euros/month, respectively). In the latter case, the monthly difference is 1,026 euros (12,316 euros/year).

According to Adecco, the gap between European salaries has been narrowing since 2010, when the highest remuneration, which at that time was 2,900 euros and corresponded to Luxembourg, multiplied by 11 the lowest (265 euros, from Bulgaria). In 2021, the gap between the two countries was greater than six, while in 2022 it is 5.7, which is half of what existed 10 years ago.

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