“The award will give us the basis to create the next project in a dignified way”

by time news

Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 2:21 p.m.

In the 23rd edition of the Donostia Theater Award, the jury “unanimously” singled out the play ‘Three corsets, a lot of sugar and too much brandy’ created by the Kamikaz Collective and Ttak Teatro, as announced this Tuesday. The three performers of the play, Amancay Gaztañaga, Iraia Elias and Erika Olaizola, are “very happy” because “it’s a beautiful thing to appreciate that the creative process was done from scratch in Basque”.

The process was special for the three, as it was the first opportunity to work together. “We were able to create a space to ask ourselves what we wanted to tell, always turning this material into a play through play and humor. We have experienced it in a natural way and the feedback received has been very nice”, said Olaizola.

They explained that the creative process was a very collective creation and that every member had a lot of freedom to contribute what they were working on. With care at the center, the three wanted to highlight the “support and protection” provided by the Azpeitiko Kulturaz Cooperativa along the way. On the one hand financially, but because of special trust. “They opened the doors of the Dinamo creative space for us and we were able to create our own stone in order to move forward,” emphasized Olaizola.

Thus, the play ‘Three corsets, a lot of sugar and too much brandy’ will be presented on International Theater Day, March 27, at 19:30 Victoria Eugenia. The prize distribution will take place before the work is performed: a grant of 12,000 euros to finance the next creative play and a watercolor by Ramon Zubiarrain, an artist from Donostia. Invitations to see the work of the Kamikaz Collective & Ttak theater will be available on March 26 at the theater box office from 11:30 am.

  • Name:
    Three corsets, lots of sugar and too much brandy.

  • Company:
    Kamikaz Collective & Ttak Theater.

  • Actors:
    Amancay Gaztañaga, Iraia Elias and Erika Olaizola.

  • Duration:
    70 minutes

  • Public:
    Young people, over 14 years old.

  • Genre:

During the presentation, Insausti took stock of the Donostia Theater Award, an initiative that has “already found its place and its audience”. According to the data presented, in 2022 there were 52 performances of 25 plays in Donostia and a total of almost 11,000 spectators, with an average of 208 people in each. “We have the data

Although there were 25 works in Basque presented in Donostia last year, nineteen of them met the basic requirements, that is, a professional company presenting the play for the first time in Donostia. From all of them, the jury made up of Inazio Tolosa, Kepa Ugartemendia, Amaia Irazabal, Xanti Agirrezabala and Alaitz Tolosa and Julen Odriozola as representatives of the public took the decision “unanimously” because “the image shown on the board has a lot of power” and “the artistic language of the work affects the final result”. for the contribution

New projects in hand

Olaizola used the press conference to explain the journey of the Kamikaz Collective. “We are making a very nice journey and if this is one more step, the award gives us the opportunity to be able to project in the future what we want to continue doing or what we want to tell.” Thus, as the founders have advanced, they have two initiatives in mind in the short term. On the one hand, a street theater; and, on the other hand, a “bigger” that will be inside the theater. They started working on the first one before they knew they would receive the award and it will premiere this summer at the Zarauzka Kalerki festival. “We wanted to take the theater outside, we saw that there was a need to have a space for the theater with Basque text”, explained Gaztañaga. And, likewise, to give the collective an opportunity to “experiment” and see first-hand whether street theater “is lacking or has few options, whether they give us movement”.

They started working on the second project when they found out that they won the Donostia Theater Award. “We’d like to present it two years from now, we’re already up and running.” Meanwhile, ‘Three Corsets, Too Much Sugar and Too Much Brandy’ will continue to be staged throughout 2023

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