the Azov regiment was reconstituted and operates in the Donetsk region

by time news

2023-08-17 16:50:34

Ukraine’s ‘goal’ is to liberate the whole country, ‘no matter how long it takes’, says Dmytro Kouleba

The counter-offensive carried out since June by the Ukrainian armed forces aims to ” objective “ to liberate all of Ukraine, “no matter how long it takes”declared the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kouleba, in an interview with Agence France-Presse (AFP). “Our goal is victory, victory in the form of the liberation of our territories within the 1991 borders. And no matter how long that takes”, Mr. Kouleba said. The 1991 borders are those of independent Ukraine at the fall of the USSR, which include Crimea, a peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.

“As long as the Ukrainian people share this goal, the Ukrainian government will move forward hand in hand with its people”he added, while admitting that “Ukraine is paying the highest price” of a conflict that has ravaged many regions of this country bordering the European Union. In Ukraine, “We are all tired. I am tired and you are tired. We are all humans. But the stakes are too high to allow fatigue to determine the nature of our decisions.said the Minister.

A year and a half after the start of the invasion of Ukraine, Moscow controls about 18% of Ukrainian territory. Launched in early June, the Ukrainian counter-offensive has made it possible to retake a handful of small towns, but it comes up against Russian troops entrenched behind solid defensive lines, made up in particular of trenches and minefields. According to the leaders in kyiv, it is progressing at a slower pace than expected.

However, the Ukrainian minister said “not to feel” special pressure from Western allies. “We don’t feel it. There is an increase in the voices of commentators and experts in the public space. It exists, but they will all disappear (…) after Ukraine’s first resounding victory in the south or east » of the country, assured Mr. Kouleba. However, he said “a little irritated” by some comments. “The right approach for those who want it to be quick and shiny is to join the Foreign Legion [ukrainienne] and do it quickly and brilliantly”he launched.

But for that, Ukraine will need more Western weapons. “until we win” against Russian forces, added Dmytro Kouleba. “Until we win, we will need more [d’armes], we must move forward, because war is a reality, and in this reality, we must win. There is no other solution “insisted the minister.

He also gave “guarantees” not to use on Russian territory weapons supplied by the West. “If our partners ask us to give a guarantee that such and such a weapon will only be used on the territory of Ukraine, we give this guarantee and respect it”assured the head of Ukrainian diplomacy. “There have been a few occasions where we have made such promises and we keep them”he added.

#Azov #regiment #reconstituted #operates #Donetsk #region

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