The Aztec sun at the edge of the eclipse

by times news cr

2024-05-05 22:37:02

After 35 years of existence, the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), who saw in their ranks great leaders of the left like Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, Ifigenia Martínez and even Andrés Manuel López Obrador, could be living their last moments in 2024.

And in this federal election it will be seen if the party obtains at least 3% of the vote for President, deputies and senators (in any of those three elections)… If not, it will say goodbye to its registration with the National Electoral Institute (INE).

What for experts and legislators It is mainly due to the betrayal of cadres and bases who heeded the call of today’s President López Obrador and joined the ranks of Morena, but also to the existence of tribes and disputes for power on the left.

For Salvador Mora, political expert, the PRD There must be a generational change, otherwise the party that was founded on May 5, 1989 could become extinct.

“Certain currents were evidently complicating the future of a party, which in my opinion was experiencing a kind of schizophrenia, on the one hand the General Secretariat was in the hands of the Bejarano and the head in the hands of the Chuchos, in that sense we must take into account that there was no congruence of common interests,” he said.

In interview with 24 HOURSMora commented that the Party of the Democratic Revolution was dissolved over the years, since the leaders omitted generational changes, while the Aztec sun subordinated itself to López Obrador… And then broke with him.

“The PRD is nothing more than a faithful party that responds to obtaining power and influence in a plural political system, that is, this party made alliances because it wants to continue remaining a key or sensitive actor within the plurality,” he answered when questioned. about the current alliance with PAN and PRI.

For Josue Guijón, party specialist at Consultoría Integralia, this year’s election is of utmost importance for the PRD, since if it does not reach 3 percent of the vote at the national level it will lose its national registration.

The specialist recalled that, in 2021, the PRD was .6 percent away from losing its registration.

“The elections for the 24th become more difficult because a candidacy like that of Xóchitl Gálvez has to distribute that support, and the PRD is the party with the least structure.”

In such a way that, for the Integralia expert, the party would require an aggressive campaign to call for votes, but that is not clear from its leadership, since all its calls are in favor of Gálvez Ruiz.

For the PRD deputy Elizabeth Pérez, the Azteca sun has had a crisis, “but the registration is not at risk at all, they have said the same thing for 15 years.”

He commented that in each election they want to place funeral wreaths on the PRD, “but we are going to turn 35 years old and we are still here.”

“We do not consider that the registry is at risk, precisely because we have candidates who are fighting, not only with a social sense, but from a citizen’s vision, those candidacies,” he expressed.

Unlike 2009, when the PRD began its decline in electoral preferences, the legislator continued, now they are not crowded with people who only saw it for their personal interest and who today are in other spaces, such as the ruling party.

“Today we can say that the PRD is the citizens’ party. At least 70% of our candidacies at all levels are framed by people who are part of civil society not organized in political parties.

“And that makes us stand out even in the formation of our candidacies against any other party in this country,” he stated.

He acknowledged that they separated a little from their own history and that brought them the great crises they have gone through, “but we recovered our path, we recovered our conscience, we recovered our possibility of continuing to be the party close to the people and we did it.”

From the alliance with National Action and the Institutional Revolutionary, The legislator pointed out that she was made with the idea of ​​building a coalition government, and not only to access spaces of power.


In the Pedregales area, in Coyoacán, CDMX, Neighborhood committees, which for years were loyal to the PRD, changed sides when the cherry winds began to blow.

“We are the deputy’s people and when the deputy said ‘we are going with Morena’, we went with Morena,” says María, a resident of the area and today a cherry activist.

“In this area, territorial work has always been done based on water, more than anything its cost, and property, which was previously managed through the PRD and now we see it with Morena,” he explains.

It was in 2018 when the PRD lost the great bastion for the left to the onslaught of Morena: Mexico City.

The administration of Miguel Ángel Mancera would put an end to the list of PRD leaders in the capital, inaugurated by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, founder of the Aztec sun and moral leader of the left, in 1997.

Although it was during this six-year term that the PRD lost most of its militants at the hands of Morena, going from 5 million in 2019 to 1 million 250 thousand in 2020, its decline began in September 2012, when Andrés Manuel López Obrador, current president of Mexico and founder of Morena, definitively broke with the Aztec sun.

PRD cadres such as Claudia Sheinbaum, Morena’s presidential candidate in this election, Marcelo Ebrard, Mario Delgado and Ricardo Monreal, among other loyalists… Along with their cadres.

2024-05-05 22:37:02

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