The bacteria that causes pharyngitis and what causes alert in the country

by time news

2023-07-12 20:16:48

Through a statement, the Ministry of Health of the Nation warned about a 281% increase in cases of Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus, which is the most common bacterial cause of acute pharyngitis and some skin infections. So far this year, almost 120 cases of invasive infection caused by it have been confirmed in the country, of which, so far, 16 died.

“During 2023, the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) 118 confirmed cases of invasive infection by Streptococcus Pyogenes throughout the country, of which 16 died”, stated the statement issued, adding that, in this sense, “The provinces with the highest number of confirmed cases accumulated in 2023 are Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Chubut and Tierra del Fuego”.

Also, the health portfolio indicated that “in relation to confirmed cases of invasive infection by Streptococcus pyogenes in previous years (2019-2022), the highest number of cases had been registered in 2022, with 75 reported cases. The number of cases of 2023 represents a 281% increase over the same period in 2019.”

He Streptococcus pyogenes is a Gram-positive bacteria and it is the most frequent bacterial cause of acute pharyngitis and skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis and scarlet fever. “It should be noted that this happens in the international context in which on December 8, 2022 the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that at least five Member States in the European region (France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) had reported an increase in the number of cases of invasive group A strep disease ”, reported from the ministry that leads Carla Vizzotti.

Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A Streptococcus, commonly causes mild illnesses such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, impetigo, cellulitis and scarlet fever. However, “rarely, the infection can lead to invasive disease that can cause life-threatening conditions, being responsible for more than 500,000 annual deaths worldwide.

As they explained, the transmission of this bacterium takes place through “close contact with an infected person and can be transmitted through coughing, sneezing or contact with a wound”, and that the “incubation period for the disease varies according to to clinical presentation, between 1 to 3 days. Regarding treatment, from the health portfolio they indicated that “infected people who receive antibiotics for at least 24 hours generally eliminate their ability to spread. Pharyngitis is diagnosed by bacterial cultures and is treated with antibiotics. Hand hygiene and personal hygiene can help control transmission.”

Since this bacterium can cause acute pharyngitis, skin infections and scarlet fever, it is important to be aware of the hallmarks of each disease. That is why the Ministry of Health highlighted: symptoms of pharyngitis are sore throat; fever; headaches; abdominal pain; nausea and vomiting; redness of the pharynx and tonsils; bad breath; enlarged nodes in the neck.

“Sick people should avoid going to public places and restrict household contacts. In addition, it is important to wash your hands frequently; do not share objects for personal use and properly and regularly ventilate the environments”, they added in the statement and highlighted the importance of “keeping flu and COVID-19 vaccination up to date, especially those with risk factors”.

Finally, as they explained, pregnant people should receive the flu or influenza vaccine in any trimester of pregnancy; boys and girls from 6 to 24 months, who must be given 2 doses separated by at least 4 weeks if they had not previously received two doses of influenza vaccine. In this regard, contagion in children and minors is of concern.

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