The ballot of the “People’s Rally of Epirus” is competitive

by time news

2023-09-08 15:50:12

On the occasion of the announcement of the ballots in the four regional units, the People’s Mobilization” notes that “it is the only opponent in awe both of the government regional governor and of the anti-people unanimity of the elected and candidates of the other urban parties whose criteria for their choices are the plans and the profits of business groups. Those elected with the People’s Rally ballot are the only ones who can express the indignation and needs of the people of Epirus. To exercise a real labor-popular opposition for the benefit of its needs, because they are not bound by business interests, because they question and clash with the policy that constantly leaves the people unprotected but protects the profits of business groups”.

Mr. Prentzas and the “People’s Rally” are committed to fight against the attack of the government and the capital implemented by the regional and municipal authorities in Epirus. “On October 8, in the Region and in the municipalities, we are not looking for the differences between the ballots of the elected officials of the urban parties. We make a difference! We give strength to our strength. We are strengthening the ballots of the People’s Rally that supports the KKE in the Region and everywhere”, the announcement states.

The candidate regional councilors of the People’s Rally in P.E. of Ioannina are: Athanasoula Ioanna (beekeeper), Konstantinos Alysandrakis (professor emeritus of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Ioannina), Andreadou Maria (private employee), Gioti Aliki (worker at “Pindo”), Gioti Kalliopi (kindergarten teacher), Gatzoia Eugenia (contract archaeologist) ), Giza Iro (student, food worker), Gousia Glykeria (architect engineer), Dimitriou Konstantinos (primary education teacher – musician), Doublis Ioannis (self-employed), Zeka Paschou Konstantina (agricultural technologist, employee of the Municipality of Ioannito), Zolas Adamantios (lawyer), Ilias Dimitra (contracted school cleaner), Georgios Karakitsios (municipal employee), Katsios Theofanis (retired), Georgios Kosmas (breeder), Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos (veterinarian), Kostadimas Irini (student), Kostis Spyridon (private employee) , Lygda Anthoula Nicoleta (food worker), Loridas Georgios (hospital doctor at “Hatzikosta” Hospital, Markou Alexandros (PGNI contract holder), Spyridon Matsangas (pharmacist), Makhtsiras Athanassios (secondary education teacher), Thomas Bassoyannis (environmentalist – forester, employee of the Decentralized Administration of Epirus – Western Macedonia), Batziou Ioanna (private pediatrician), Konstantinos Noutsopoulos (retired), Alexios Dekoumes (builder), Pantoulas Theodoros, worker at “Zagori”, Papageorgiou Vasilios (secondary education teacher, musician), Roupa Vasiliki (private employee, working at Market IN), Salogiannou Dimitra, (retired), Sdoukos Nikolaos (self-employed), Simos Anastasios (self-employed), Siopis Alexandros, (private employee), Athina Spyrou (trader), Stavrakis Konstantinos (mechanical engineer), Dimitrios Sfeiropoulos (doctor, cardiologist at PGNI), Tzeki Maria (retired civil servant), Tsakalou Stavroula (fashion designer), Tsialou Anna (private employee, working at Market IN), Harisis Christos (farmer), Hasiotis Georgios (biochemist at PGNI) and Christou Christos (hematology clinic nurse at PGNI).

In P.E. Preveza candidates are Tatiana Iordanidou (educator), Katsoulas Thodoris (physicist), Kitsantas Apostolis (surveyor engineer), Thomas Konakis (municipal employee), Kyriazi Irini (Private Employee), Kotsantis Konstantinos (economist, Epirus regional councilor), Spyros Klinakis ( farmer), Lambros Konstantinos (retired cooperative employee), Petros Lelovitis (municipal employee), Maleza Zenovia (Zina) (private employee), Maniki Evangelia (freelancer), Mitrofanis Thomas (musician, municipal employee), Misirlis Giorgos (surveying engineer, Municipal Clerk), Baladimas Dionysis (Builder, Winemaker), Boua Lambrini (farmer), Patsis Vassiliki (VIKY) (working in the food industry), Siska Elpida (commercial employee), Tsima Maria (retired nurse), Yfantis Yiannis (student engineer at AEN Preveza) .

In P.E. Thesprotia candidates are Vasilikostas Dinos (retired dentist), Dima Katerina (physicist, self-employed), Ilias Koutsis (economist, teacher), Mareta Katerina (philologist), Bessiu Katerina (law student, EKPA), Daikou Maria (nurse), Papatheodorou Yiannis ( retired builder), Regas Laertis (Physiotherapist, municipal councilor of the Municipality of Filiaton), Yfantis Spyros (Municipal Employee), Haidis Alexandra (retired private employee).

In P.E. Artas candidates are: Aliftiras Georgios (retired worker), Archimandrites Lambros (self-employed), Vassiliou Nikolaos (retired craftsman), Konstantinos Neighbor (retired OAEE), Athina Gorou (lawyer), Ziovas Vassilios (retired municipal employee), Zorba Lambrini (private employee), Zorbas Frederikis (Rita) (pharmacist), Kalamidas Ilias (retired postman), Karagiannis Grigorios (retired health worker), Kikioni Maria (farmer), Kyrtsias Panagiotis (employee of the Arta poultry cooperative), Betsas Evangelos (municipal employee, farmer), Dokomes Georgios (employee of Arta poultry cooperative), Xylogianni Panagiota (Panagio) (retired doctor), Panodimou Lambrini (farmer), Pantzos Periklis (employee at Arta hospital), Papachristos Vasilios (electrical engineer, self-employed), Skorila Lambrini (photographer, private employee) ), Tsakalos Vasilios (retired teacher), Tsiunis Nikolaos (accountant), Tsola Sofia (lawyer-mediator), Christouli Georgia (educator).

In fact, on Monday, at 7 pm, there will be a gathering of the People’s Rally at the Skala theater, with speakers Mr. Prentza and the candidate for Mayor of Ioannina Oli Tsoumani.

#ballot #Peoples #Rally #Epirus #competitive

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