The ban on the abaya seen from Algiers

by time news

2023-09-08 11:00:00

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LETTER FROM ALGIERS. How is this new French affair seen in Algeria, a country which remains divided between followers and hostiles to the dominant religious code?

By our correspondent in Algiers, Adlène Meddi In France, the subjects of the veil or outfits linked to religious affiliation have regularly come up in the news since 1989 and the Creil affair, when three young veiled girls were excluded from their school . © DENIS CHARLET / AFP Published on 09/08/2023 at 11:00 a.m.

The ban on wearing the abaya in schools in France has sparked comments in Algerian media. “France is not giving up its fight against Islamism”, estimates the information site TSA, while adding that “this proposal already made by the right and the extreme right has been made legitimate by the government. But above all, by agreeing with the far right, this suggests that the sole wearing of the abaya or other religious symbol linked to Islam is the only problem in French society.” The editorialist of Oran Daily Abdou Benabbou goes further: “French power has once again plunged itself into a counterproductive situation. He decides to strengthen secularism by clinging with rigid authoritarianism to the ban on…

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