The Bank of Spain tool to find out if you can freeze mortgage payments

by time news

He Bank of Spainnational central bank, has made available to citizens a free simulator in which, after completing some personal and economic data, the debtor can know if you can take advantage of a series of measures that freeze the loan temporarily to prevent the rate from going up.

This resource is a free simulator with which any citizen can know, in a matter of seconds, if you have access to these relief measures to stop the rise in the mortgage payment. First of all, the person concerned must complete the specific table of general requirements.


That is to say, specify the bank with which the debtor has contracted the loan. If the bank is not on the list that is displayed, you must point to the tab that says ‘My entity is not in the list’. Immediately afterwards, You must indicate if it is a loan with a mortgage guarantee.

The next piece of information to be indicated is related to the price of the house for which the loan is contracted. More specifically, the simulator signals if the price of the home is less than 300,000 euros or more.

Economic requirements

Afterwards, it is necessary to detail the exact date of the formalization of the mortgage (if the signing occurred before December 31, 2022 or later). Finally, it is necessary to indicate the amount of amount of the monthly loan installment and the amount that the debtor paid four years ago to see the price difference.

Later, you have to complete the economic requirements. Among these data, the annual gross income of the household, and net incomethe amount of gross annual income received four years ago, if in the family unit of the debtor Is there a member with a declared disability…




Finally, in the section on feasibility calculation and the impact of the applicable measuresthe person must indicate: the amount of the fee as of June 1, 2022, the term pending payment, the outstanding amount, the original term of the loan in months and the interest rate.

Once all the data has been added, click on the ‘Calculate’ button. After doing so, it will appear a message on the right side of the screen where it is indicated to what measures pThe mortgagor may have access based on the data entered.

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