The Barça war, a very Catalan skirmish, article by Sergi Sol

by time news

2023-10-04 17:23:35

Rosell went for the jugular The door in ‘El Matí’ by Ricard Ustrell on account of Villarejo’s umpteenth revelation. He went after the ‘culer’ leader while simultaneously appearing to beg to bury the hatchet. The imposture was notable.

All very contemporary and Catalan. Like when Puigdemont asked Junqueras for unity while writing a book that was going to ‘leave Junqueras in the dust’. It is the classic ‘To God begging and with the gavel giving’.

Of course, it cannot be said that Laporta did not tell everyone, for years, who ‘Sandruscu’ was and what his opinion was of him. He left it half past a mile when he was the one who governed the ‘Blaugrana’ transatlantic and Laporta (and his former Junta faithful) saw the Damocles sword of patrimonial responsibility being waved over them. Two do not fight if you do not want to.

Rivalry can be healthy and, on many occasions, essential. Competition is an incentive to progress and improve. In all fields. But it can also be harmful. Very harmful in fact and with heartbreaking consequences when taken to the personal level.

It’s not that this is exclusive to football or politics. Remember the ill-fated Santi Santamaria charging against Ferran Adrià. The war of two incredible chefs. In this case resolved by KO in favor of Adrià. When victories are by KO they are less damaging. For those who impose themselves, of course. Let them tell that one Married man beaten by Ayuso.

We will also see what happens in the battle of the waves. enough He has been reigning alone on Olympus for years. He is Zeus. Only now with a confessed discomfort after the irruption of a Ustrell that it seems as if he had hit the wrong spot with his ambition. Part I had enough with an enormous advantage and a credit earned over the years although Ustrell is already giving him a fight. Even before debuting. I refer to what has been said.

The Negreira case

It happens that in the case of Barça both contenders are not going through their best moment. Jan is a phenomenon, a force of nature. But The Negreira case has exploded in his face, governs a ship with more leaks than a Gruyere cheese. And if that were not enough, it has launched some pharaonic works that it is not known for sure whether they have solid foundations in the hands of a company from Erdogan’s country. Or if, God forbid!, they take Barça to bankruptcy.

Laporta, Rosell and Bartomeu were one day a bunch. The latter remain so, they strengthened their relationship against Laporta. And after reigning, simultaneously, they drag a via crucis behind him. Especially Rosell, who received two years in prison by Judge Lamela’s decision. Today, despite the terrible injustice he committed, he stands before the Supreme Court.

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For the ‘Blaugrana’ trident, dark clouds are appearing on the horizon. For all. Also for Laporta, despite the fact that he enjoys his position like no one else and tries to contradict the saying that second parts were never good. The wise thing would be for them to make a virtue of necessity – signing a sincere truce. But from what Rosell said before Ustrell it cannot be deduced that they are going to smoke the pipe of peace. Not even for these, anyway. Although Jan may be in a position to be magnanimous and compassionate. Or that the situation requires it to be. To forget every slight, past affront or backstab. Which there were, of course.

If not, if they do not close fronts, what could happen is of such magnitude that it threatens to overwhelm some and others. Someone may think that we are not so bad and that it is not a big deal. Hopefully! But it may also be that stand before the abyss or already on the edge of the precipice and it only takes a little push to end up much worse than bad.

#Barça #war #Catalan #skirmish #article #Sergi #Sol

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