the battle is getting longer in the rear –

by time news

The contenders learn in the field, adapt tactics according to the changes imposed by the maneuvers and the introduction of new weapons

the lesson of every conflict: contenders learn on the fieldadapt tactics according to the changes imposed by the maneuvers and the introduction of new weapons. Russia, which is consuming supplies at hellish rates, would have turned to Iran for reconnaissance and attack drones. He was supported by White House National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan, a revelation that comes on the eve of Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and the Persian Gulf. According to intelligence the regime, together with the means, will guarantee training and who knows if they don’t talk about it during Vladimir Putin’s announced visit to a friendly country with a long history of war cooperation.

The US revelations can correspond to three scenarios: for now it could be just a suspicion within a diplomatic struggle, a bit like fears of a collaboration with China; they are initial contacts; there is a project, and if it materializes we will soon see the effects and the wreckage. The only official words came today from Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanan: The history of cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation in the field of some new technologies dates back to before the war in Ukraine and recently there have been no special developments in this relationship. A clarification that in fact does not deny the contacts.

The mullahs in recent years have developed a large arsenal of drones, large and small, of the kamikaze type, therefore short, medium and long range missiles. They are often copies, elaborations of foreign models (Russian, Chinese, Western), local creations. These apparatuses were used effectively in attacks against Saudi Arabia, against Israeli merchant ships, located in the United Arab Emirates. The technology was then supplied to Shia militias throughout the region.

– Today’s latest war news

The invaders could use the equipment for hit cities and barracks far from the frontacting in parallel with cruise ships and other missile bombs fired daily: a multiple threat to the defense of underserved Ukrainians. The Kremlin generals are studying how to go beyond the horizon, but at the same time they have to look over their shoulder. And it is still the weapons that set the pace: the effects of the Himars, the M270 rocket launchers and the precision projectiles of the PhZ self-propelled guns continue to tear the rear, destroying deposits on deposits. A senior officer, General Artem Nasbulin, allegedly died in one of these bombings.

These successes are claimed by Kiev and indirectly confirmed by pro-Russian circles concerned because the S300 umbrella would be inadequate to parry the blows, hence the complaints about difficulties and damages, with images of important devastation. Experts have pointed out the many disadvantages for attackers. The Russians are forced to disperse the ammunition centers to save them from attacks, but in this way they tire the logistics by multiplying the transfers by truck. The possible decentralization, however – they note – hindered by the traditional approach of the Army, never agile: in fact, it continued to use the railway network as its primary distribution hubsupportive lymph which cannot be ignored.

In doing so, he exposed to the fire terminals and stations transformed into temporary bases. Ukrainians – probably assisted by Western intelligence – know where and what to look for. Observers noted as of the end of June the fires of the explosions were deeper and deeper into Russian-held territory: be it the Himars with their 80km radius or other related systems, the final outcome counts. Furthermore, there are those who have speculated a saturation of the positions of the invaders with the Ukrainians using a first salvo of rockets and old Tochka missiles, then the second part with guided rockets of the Himars and M270s.

July 12, 2022 (change July 12, 2022 | 18:25)

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