the beginning of the week promises to be difficult, the government wants to believe in a rapid improvement

by time news
The situation remains complicated at many service stations. JEFF PACHOUD / AFP

The blocking movement should persist at the start of next week at TotalEnergies, ahead of the inter-union mobilization day on Tuesday. Several avenues are being explored to hasten the return to normal.

While the social movement in the refineries gets bogged down, the government expresses its annoyance. First by the voice of the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, who judged on Sunday, at the “big meeting” Europe1 / CNews / Les Échos, the continuation of the blockages “unacceptable (…) even though majority agreements have been found to raise wages“. Then by that of Elisabeth Borne, guest of the JT of TF1, inviting the striking employees to return to work. “It is not normal that a minority continues to block the country“, she added.

In the sights of the government, the CGT of TotalEnergies which maintains its strike movement despite the signing of an agreement to increase wages between the management of the group and the majority unions CFDT and CFE-CGC. A strategy judgedincomprehensible“, according to Gabriel Attal.

This position does not facilitate the return to normal in French service stations. This Sunday, 30.1% of them were in difficulty at the national level (outage of at least one product) against 27.3% yesterday. In Hauts-de-France, 23.4% of stations were concerned (against 22% yesterday), 41.6% in Ile-de-France (against 39.9% yesterday), 42.8% in Center Val de Loire (against 36.4% yesterday). The situation is also tense in Bourgogne Franche-Comté (39.4%) and AURA (37.9%).

This deterioration was expected due to fewer weekend deliveries (last week, we had +9% between Saturday and Sunday).

SEE ALSO – Fuels: the continuation of the blockages is “unacceptable”, judge Gabriel Attal

No date to return to normal

The optics of a return to normalover the next week“, as promised by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, October 11 on France 2, seems more and more complicated to keep. When questioned, Gabriel Attal did not wish to advance a new date. He preferred to highlight the progress made thanks to the measures taken by the executive. “In 24 hours, following strike requisitions, you have 9,000 m3 of fuel that were able to come out of the depots, that’s the equivalent of 110,000 or 120,000 full tanks for French people. Gradually the fuel comes out of the depots and comes to supply the stations, it remains very complicated of course“, he advanced.

To allow more trucks to refuel service stations, carriers were allowed to run on Sunday. A decree in this direction had been taken Thursday, October 6 by Clément Beaune. Another decree signed by the government, the extension until November 15 of the use of diesel and SP95-E10 premium fuel of “summer quality”, instead of “winter quality” which is generally applicable from November 1 in service stations. Objective: “To be able to use fuel stocks more easily, which would have been unsold due to the strikes”the Ministry of Energy Transition told AFP.

Everyone now has their eyes riveted on the national interprofessional mobilization day, organized on Tuesday at the initiative of the CGT, FO, Solidaires and the FSU, alongside the youth organizations Fidl, Unef, MNL and High School Life. Several branches have already announced that they will participate in it, such as that of the public service, energy or transport. In case of “hit“, some are already thinking of a renewable strike. “We will hold general assemblies on Tuesday, October 18 all over France and we will ask the question of the renewable strike“Warned Fabien Villedieu, SUD-rail union representative. RATP announced on Sunday that traffic would be “disturbed” Tuesday in the RER A and B as in the buses for the day of interprofessional strike, while it would be “almost normal” in the subways, according to the first forecasts.

This will not reassure users a few days before the start of the Toussaint holidays.

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