the benefits of this medicinal plant, contraindications and its relationship with insomnia

by time news

2023-09-26 15:00:17

Medicinal plants are a natural option to take care of our health. One of the advantages is that there is less probability of generating dependency on them. Furthermore, there is something for all illnesses and ailments. In this case, valerian is useful when we have cases of nervousness, anxiety, sleep disorders and irritable bowelamong others.

Valerian, which responds to the scientific name Valeriana officinalis belongs to the family of Valerianaceae. The most used parts of this plant are the horizontal rhizomes (or underground stem) and the root. After collecting them, they are washed and left to dry in a ventilated environment, since they usually give off a strong smell.

The use of valerian dates back centuries. “Greek and Roman doctors prescribed it as diuretic, analgesic and cough suppressant. In the mid-18th century, Hill (an English physician) pointed out its nervous sedative effects.”, Doctors Ángel Villar and Emilia Carretero from the Department of Pharmacology of the Complutense University of Madrid mention in the text Valeriana Officinalis. Phytochemistry, pharmacology and therapeutics.

It has traditionally been used in cases of anxiety, insomnia and as an antispasmodic. It has also been used to combat headache, intestinal cramps and rheumatic pain. Topically, in cuts, small inflammations and for acne.

The Valeriana officinalis It is a herbaceous plant, which can reach up to one and a half meters in height. During the summer, there appear small pink or white flowers, which are grouped in corymbiform inflorescences. It usually grows in humid environments, next to streams.

What is valerian used for?

According to María José Ovalle, therapist in natural medicine and holistic health coaching, this herb has phyto-therapeutic properties. analgesics, diuretics and antipasmodics. It is also a contributor to anxiety and insomnia treatment. Basically, it is used as support in treatments of the nervous system.

Clinical trials indicate that valerian inhibits the neurons of the nervous system responsible for maintaining the state of alertness, as well as reducing latency time (which is needed to fall asleep). For this reason, they are attributed properties to combat non-acute insomniaespecially in those people whose sleep rhythm is altered due to stress.

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“This plant is antispasmodic and relaxing. When relaxes the muscles induces us to sleepwhich is why it is used in cases of insomnia,” explains Estuardo Mendoza, naturopath and acupuncturist.

The most used part of valerian is the root. The ideal is to use it dry and prepare it as an infusion. (Free Press Photo: Shutterstock).

Due to its relaxing properties, It would help with nervous headaches and blood pressure when it increases due to some nervous disorder. In addition, it controls gastrointestinal spasms when they are caused by tension.

Also, because valerian is a muscle relaxantrelieves tension and pain caused by overexertion. It is used for muscle contractures and neuralgic pain. In women it helps with Menstrual cramps and some symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, muscle tension and headache.

valerian tea

The roots and stems of the valerian plant are usually consumed in tinctures, capsules and extracts, but, above all, in teas or infusions.

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When in doubt about the recommended dose, experts indicate that you should not exceed 15 grams of valerian per day in any of its forms. To combat insomnia, it is recommended cook a teaspoon of dried root for a cup of water and take it before sleeping.

Regardless of the benefit required from this herb, the maximum dose in dried plant is to take three cups daily in the case of adults.

In case valerian essential oil is use for massages or for a bath relaxingit should not be used continuously or in large quantities, because it could cause a headache.

Contraindications of valerian

This plant could present side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea, and abdominal cramps when taken in too high quantities and persistently.

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Its consumption is not recommended in pregnant people and during breastfeeding periods. Neither in children under three years old and in those who have kidney failure problems.

Due to its analgesic and antipasmodic properties, it should not be used. when taking other sedative medications or alcoholic beverages or exciting things like coffee or soft drinks. Ideally, if you are going to consume valerian, consult a doctor beforehand, to avoid side effects.

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