The benefits of zinc pills for the health of the bride’s skin are amazing

by time news

The bride needs to take care of her health in general and her skin in particular, in order to look her best and with radiant skin on her wedding day. And since zinc deficiency in the body may contribute to the appearance of acne, dry skin, brittle nails, and dull hair, it may be very necessary to maintain its level in the body. Note that the recommended dietary intake is 12 mg per day for females.

Zinc promotes healing

Zinc is necessary for more than 200 chemical reactions in the body, it is particularly involved in protein synthesis. This rare element with its antioxidant properties works on: growth, respiration, endocrine system, immunity, inflammation, reproduction and performance in the marital relationship. For the skin, zinc is an essential ally; Thus, it promotes healing, interfering with many skin problems: psoriasis, leg ulcers, and skin infections. His role in tackling the problem of acne, for example, is now showing itself well. Not only will it intervene against the responsible bacteria, but it will also reduce the inflammatory reaction.

Although zinc is found in many foods — fish, seafood, meat, eggs, grains, and legumes — deficiencies are widespread. In fact, consumption of tobacco, coffee, tea, etc., intake of diuretics, as well as stress depletes zinc reserves.
Also, more refining of foods, especially cereals, bread and pasta, reduces zinc levels.
Finally, like iron, zinc of animal origin is better absorbed than that of plants; Vegetarians are more prone to zinc deficiency. Digestive disorders, dry skin, acne problems with difficulty in healing, brittle, scaly or split nails, and hair loss are the main symptoms of zinc deficiency.

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When do you take zinc pills?

Consult your doctor or dietitian before taking zinc pills

Zinc pills or so-called zinc supplements can be helpful in case of acne. In general, these supplements can provide a solution to the problems of the skin, nails and hair. Moreover, a mixture of zinc and selenium is recommended to fight skin aging. Zinc supplementation is sometimes necessary for pregnant women, whose needs increase during pregnancy, and can be beneficial for vegetarians. Iron interferes with zinc absorption, so avoid supplements that combine iron and zinc. Finally, the last tip, know that zinc absorption is higher on an empty stomach than during a meal.

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Note from “Madam Net”: Before applying this recipe or this treatment, consult a specialist doctor.

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