The Benidorm Fest 2024 pool: 16 artists to represent the real Spain

by time news

2023-09-08 07:53:18

Ruth Lorenzo I wanted to win Benidorm Fest 2024. I had the song, the scenery and the attitude to do it: Woman It was going to allow her to raise her powerful voice for women’s freedom. However, you will not be able to present it due to a linguistic nuance: until now, the contest accepted lyrics in Spanish, Basque, Catalan, Galician and Aranese with a maximum of 40% in other languages. A rule that, as she revealed, was going to be modified for the next edition. This was made known to him unofficially days before releasing the epé in which this topic was included, so he decided to save it for the call. A few weeks later, RTVE published the rules, maintaining the rule in force until then. A setback that has not only frustrated his return to a Eurovision that peaked in 2014, but also the possibility that the Benidorm Fest would have a high-profile name to consolidate itself.

If the appointment wants to acquire its own entity, it must articulate a heterogeneous lineup that mixes seasoned artists with young promises. Otherwise, you run the risk of disengaging a sector of the population that does not identify so much with the new currents. In fact, this was one of the reasons why Blanca Paloma, Megara, Agoney and company failed to retain the mass that Chanel, Rigoberta Bandini, Brown sugar and yours. At the moment it is unknown who will make up the third batch, which will maintain the same voting system (50% of the votes will come from the jury, 25% from the public and the other 25% from a demographic sample) and will celebrate its end on February 3. The soloists and groups that will compete will be revealed on November 11 under the umbrella of the Latin Grammys, but first they must send their proposals with October 10 as the deadline. Below, the 16 names that should give BeniFest a chance.

The ideal candidate. This is how followers of the format have baptized Abraham Mateo, well known after making his debut in ‘I See’ by Teresa Rabal. However, it was not until he passed through Canal Sur that a mass began to follow him: he was nine years old and, since then, he has made a living from music. His first hit was ‘Señorita’, which catapulted him to Latin America and led him to collaborate with Jennifer López, Yandel, 50 Cent, Alejandro Sanz, Ana Mena… Today, in a more mature phase, the singer has supported a project that combines quality and popularity. A pressure pump.

She has eight albums, but few could define Maika Makovski. Of Macedonian origin, Andalusian sap and Balearic inspiration, she has irrigated her songs with experiences from the places where she has taken root. After a pulp rock debut (‘Kradiaw’), which she toured with The Dubliners, and after her teaming up with John Parish to produce her third album (‘Maika Makovski’), she celebrates art and life in ‘MKMK’, an exquisite compendium that reveals a need: love for love’s sake. What is more powerful than this?

With a global concept, Judeline is presented, one of the last illusions of the national urban panorama. His songs are not only heard, they are seen. Hence, it gives special importance to the image that it casts in each one. Driven by Alizzz and Rosalía, she has developed an imaginary that has a lot to do with well-being, trust and the heart: this is how it is sensed in the irresistible choruses and innocent verses which, in addition to making her hypnotic, make her a winning horse. For example, ‘The tab that I blew’.

Champion of the song. Spearhead of the ‘electrocuplé’. Zarzuela icon. Folkloric agitator. These are some of the insignia that have been awarded to Rodrigo Cuevas, a creator who, although he is constantly growing, has made tradition its bastion. She came to her after a season in a village in Galicia, where she connected with the essence of the ‘pandereteiras’. From there, halfway between modern and classic, she has dedicated herself to breaking taboos: the humor, sensuality and judgment that her music exudes has made it multisensory.

Three million people listen to Leo Rizzi on Spotify every month. He is the latest pop sensation, although his name is not yet established in the industry. Experienced in TikTok, he has convinced the Z with his sense and sensitivity. His rhymes capture the adventures that this young man from Ibiza has accumulated throughout the planet: Uruguay, the United States, Italy, Australia… In constant search, he has finally located the corner where he feels safest to create and write. From there, whispers to life with unusual tenderness.

Valeria Castro has created her cosmos from sun and Canarian folklore. One in which the clapping and silences are never devoid of emotions. She began making versions of Van Gogh’s La Oreja and Jarabe de Palo that quickly collapsed social networks. Her glassy voice and her ethereal gaze have enamored a handful of souls eager for new attacks: she edited ‘With love and care’ in early 2023, a songbook that pampers the seams and warms the back. It sounds like home, a key detail to mark distances.

Pop delirium. This could be a good adjective for the band that has been collapsing venues since 2019 thanks to ‘The End of the World’. As casual as they are effective, Roberto, David, Lydia and Óscar have found the formula to create ‘balls’ capable of making anyone effervescent. House brand. This spirit of conquest has allowed them to strengthen a disparate audience that does not pay attention to fashions or labels. As a curiosity, they already tried to represent Spain in Eurovision… but Soraya Arnelas beat them to it.

Many eyes are on Anna Colet. The prestige that she is gaining with ‘Don Federico’ has placed her in the pools of numerous Eurofans. She is about a futuristic tragicomedy with electronic overtones that reminds us, more than it should, of Rigoberta Bandini. In fact, his latest works share a producer: Stefano Maccarrone. Backed by synthesizers and basses, she uses irony as the perfect way to explain the dramas that she has suffered: war cries and eighties rhythms to heal the sores that have stung her so much. In short, three minutes of blessed glory.

Far from the city, in a small stone house, Javi Heras composed the album he had been imagining for a long time. Bassist for Los Fesser, vocalist for Young Forest, clarinetist for Chumi Chuma, keyboardist for Carlos Siles… the singer-songwriter has cut his teeth on boards that have given him references to shape his sound: folk with a North American air and Spanish hook that is tasted in small sips, enjoying the flavors and aromas that come from it. A delight sprinkled with literary lyrics that make it a more than suggestive rare bird.

Triquell’s great virtue is being a son of his era. He is 23 years old, sings in Catalan and escapes from the normative: well known for the silver medal he won in the program ‘Eufòria’, he has released an album shameless and contagious. So many genres flow through his songs that it is difficult to classify them. A confusion that, in any contest, is welcome. With a proposal like ‘Jugular’, with frenetic phrasing and seductive ‘beats’, the audience could collapse. The previous step to the rain of votes.

Julia Medina is called to be one of the most prolific composers in our country. In her second album, ‘Epicentro’, a string of good intentions make this statement clear: ‘Luz de gas’, ‘Errores buenos’ and ‘Idas y venidas’ shine, precisely, because of the acrimony of her pen. But, without a doubt, what most dazzles about this woman from Cádiz is the broken voice with which he savors the stories. She is on the right path of common sense and charm, which makes her an interesting value for a setting that prizes authenticity. And bravery, of course.

At 33 years old, María Pelae continues to face life with the same genius as before. Sharp and critical, she has never let herself be overwhelmed by reality. Neither for better nor for worse. She is a direct animal, a habitat where she shows off the folklore that runs through her veins: from Lola Flores to Rocío Jurado. Although with a nuance: she knows how to combine flamenco and freedom like no one else, a union that she uses to turn your demands into art. Pure strength for rickety breasts… Well, his speech is not only artistic, it also has the activist point that makes it extraordinary.

Listening to Jimena Amarillo is speaking directly to her heart: music and muscle are the same frontier for this artist, who began her journey (as a good Z) covering Vetusta Morla and Miss Caffeina on Instagram. He liked her, but she suddenly felt the need to express what was on her mind. And so she began vomiting his personal disappointments in the form of spontaneous-indie-with-a-cute-accent: In ‘Cafeliko’, ‘When you no longer want’ and ‘Ni se notá’ she sings with such frankness that her message has become a mantra in the lesbian scene.

Kai Nakai’s feminist reggaeton wants to end the archaic patterns that society has assumed for years. A battle for which she uses her native Basque, a language to date little explored in this genre. With echoes of Ivy Queen and Karol G, the project led by Iratxe Aguilera is loaded with dance, color and sass: a trinomial that, with love always on the horizon, is revolutionizing a style of macho heritage. Rebellious and demanding, he wants to recruit a crowd to make his musical struggle a universal mission.

Between Zahara and Russian Red moves a singer-songwriter of magnetic simplicity. He speaks to destiny with purity, care and calm, the same attributes that enhance her melodies: there is no artifice in them, just the vision of a girl who came to Miami from Medellín to give shape to her dream. There, with the support of her family, she began to tour different studios to display her particular universe. One that has captivated Paulina Rubio, David Bisbal and Luis Fonsi, who have performed several of her compositions. Honesty is her greatest endorsement.

Together with Ruth Lorenzo and Pastora Soler, Edurne returned to Spain the hope for a Eurovision that had been mistreated for decades. She participated in 2015 with ‘Amanecer’, which she did not live up to the candidacy that she could have championed. She finished in 22nd place with just 15 points, a result that reiterated Spain’s Achilles heel in the festival: the song. Maybe now is the time to compensate an interpreter who left her skin and her throat during her time in Vienna. Your trump card? The ‘dosmilero’ touch of ‘Despierta’ and ‘Amores dormidos’ that worked so well and which, once again, is a trend.

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