The Benin CCI and structures sign three agreements

by time news

2023-07-12 01:25:26

Benin CCI and Quality infrastructure structures sign three cooperation agreements

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCI Benin) signed three cooperation agreements on Monday July 10, 2023 in Cotonou. It is with the structures of the Quality infrastructure, namely: the Beninese Food Safety Agency (ABSSA), the National Metrology Agency (ANM) and the Beninese Agency for Pharmaceutical Regulation (ABRP). Together, they are committed to promoting market access for MSMEs. It was in the presence of the heads of the various structures concerned.

Bidossessi WANOU

The cooperation agreement thus ratified marks the activities of the Support Program for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in obtaining Marketing Authorization for agri-food products, Marketing Authorization for cosmetic products and food supplements and Quality Certification. The structures involved are the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCI Benin) on the one hand and the Benin Food Safety Agency (ABSSA), the National Metrology Agency (ANM) as well as the Beninese Agency for Pharmaceutical Regulation (ABRP). On the occasion, these three Quality infrastructure structures committed alongside the Benin CCI promised to “give satisfaction” to “companies at the national level” through this initiative, which has been in progress since 2020. Epiphane HOSSOU, Managing Director of the Benin Food Safety Agency (ABSSA); Eric Kader GBIAN TABE, Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Acting Director General of the National Metrology Agency (ANM) and Yossounon CHABI, Director General of the Beninese Agency for Pharmaceutical Regulation (ABRP) thanked “the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Benin for the tireless efforts that are made for the benefit of Companies”. The ambition of the CCI-Benin is to promote quality products, certified and labeled, anything that reassures the consumer more. In this way, the CCI Benin intends to make Benin the ”Valley of Quality”. “At the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin, we have a dream, a dream carried by the president of the Chamber of Commerce, it is that Benin becomes the Valley of Quality, the Valley of the Quality of products agro-food, the Valley of the Quality of cosmetic products and the Valley of Quality for all products that can have the Label ”made in Benin”, indicated Raymond ADJAKPA ABILE, Secretary General (SG) of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCI Benin). The SG of CCI Benin wanted each of the parties to the collaboration agreement to work for “quality products”, “sustainable companies” so that “the private sector can grow and make Benin prosper”. In this regard, the consular chamber has announced the project to publish a directory of companies which have marketing authorization, marketing authorization with regard to the ABSSA and which have certified products. The objective is to arouse healthy emulation to encourage entrepreneurs to commit to a quality approach.

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Q. A.

juillet 12, 2023

#Benin #CCI #structures #sign #agreements

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