The Berlin S-Bahn will soon be back to normal

by time news

Berlin – Good news for passengers on the Berlin S-Bahn: The restrictions on the offer, which came into force on six S-Bahn lines at the beginning of December, can be lifted again at the beginning of the new year. This was announced by a rail spokesman for the Berliner Zeitung on request.

“From Monday, January 3, 2022, the weekday amplifiers on lines S1, S3 and S5 will be running again as planned during rush hour,” he said. From mid-January 2022, the full offer is again planned for the weekends. This means that the S26 and S85 will be used again on Saturdays and Sundays. This also applies to the S45 to BER Airport. There is currently no traffic on all three lines over the weekend.

More sick leave after the introduction of the 3G rule

As reported, the Deutsche Bahn company had to slightly reduce its offer from December 2nd. Since then, three percent of the mileage agreed with the Senate can no longer be driven. The background was that more S-Bahn passengers than usual reported sick. After the 3G rule was extended to jobs in the S-Bahn at the end of November, the sickness rate rose significantly. One unofficially confirmed statement was that unvaccinated workers shied away from the hassle of daily testing.

The personnel situation is still considered to be tense. Nevertheless, after the turn of the year it is possible to drive the regular offer again. Normalization takes a little longer for weekend traffic. Lines S26, S45 and S85 will not operate again on January 1st and 2nd. Traffic on the S26 and S45 will also be idle on January 8th and 9th, but the S75 will be back in service – but only every 20 minutes.


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