The best exercises to combat back pain, according to science

by time news

In developed societies, back pain has acquired the characteristics of an epidemic and it is considered one of the most relevant health problems. Affects more than 80% of the population at some point in your life.

Lorenzo Antonio Justo Cousino

  • Professor at the Faculty of Physiotherapy. Physiotherapist, Doctor in Neuroscience, University of Vigo

The Conversation

To better understand this concept, we must first make the appropriate distinctions, since this type of discomfort receives a different name depending on the part of the back where it is experienced. The terms are formed by joining the suffix –algia (meaning pain) to each of the vertebral regions. So, we have the neck pain, when it affects the cervical area (neck); the dorsalgia, if the dorsal region hurts; and the low back painin the lower part.

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It is common to find these words in a multitude of clinical reports, but they do not really correspond to a diagnosis: we are simply indicating that there is pain in a specific region.

1. When do you have to worry about us?

Although almost everyone will experience back pain at some point in their lives, fortunately It is not serious in most cases. In a large percentage, it decreases a month after starting.

Physiotherapists and doctors use the expression “red flags” (translation from English red flags) for those signs and symptoms that could reveal a serious disease in the spine or another part of the body. Some warning signs are experimenting sensory and muscular disturbances (tingling in the limbs, loss of strength, urinary incontinence…), losing weight without justification, having suffered a blow, feeling pain in the thoracic region or having a fever.

Woman in narrow street

For this reason, although back pain is usually benign, a health professional should be consulted whenever there are doubts. As long as there are no red flags, we must remain calm, because there are no signs of serious pathology.

2. Does the way you deal with it influence your evolution?

Psychosocial factors, called “yellow flags”, are essential for the pain to last for a long time. That is, it becomes chronic.

Some examples of yellow flags are: adopt a negative attitude (we must keep in mind that a lot of pain is not synonymous with serious injury or disability); stop physical activity out of fear to the inconvenience or to the worsening of the problem (the so-called kinesiofobia); thinking that passive treatments are better than exercise; and also face social, family or financial problems.

A good posture can save us from many cervical problems in the future.

3. If my back hurts, do I get an X-ray?

It is a decision that must be made by the doctor, because X-rays are not innocuous. From the age of 50 it is normal to suffer from degenerative processes in the spine or alterations in the intervertebral discs, but it is also suffered by people without discomfort.

In the end, the diagnosis of these ailments through imaging tests contributes to over-medicalizing patients and increasing the number of sick days. The International Association for the Study of Pain indicates that pain is non-specific (cannot be associated with a specific problem) in 85% of cases. For this reason, X-rays are often used when there are red flags.

4. What are the best exercises to combat it, according to science?

Taking a quiet walk helps clear your mind and relax, but if what you want is to exercise, the ideal is to maintain an active rhythm that helps us work our heart rate.
Taking a quiet walk helps clear your mind and relax, but if what you want is to exercise, the ideal is to maintain an active rhythm that helps us work our heart rate.

Considering all the options available, from zone-specific activities to full-body exercises, it’s hard to summarize without leaving out relevant information. he or the physiotherapist will prescribe it depending on the needs and pathology of each patient.

In long-term low back painthe international network of experts Cochrane Collaboration indicates that therapeutic exercise is more effective than other interventions or treatments, but no program demonstrates a clear advantage over others.

However, some recent publications do venture to propose the Pilates and the exercises the McKenzie method (which focus on back extension movements) as remarkable for relieving low back pain.


In our research we have also observed that the therapeutic exercise and correct counseling of the patient increase the effect of manual therapy.

Therefore, there are multiple alternatives offered from physiotherapy. Many exercises are aimed at improving the mobility of the spine and stretching shortened muscles (for example, of the spinal extensor muscles, hamstrings and the psoas-iliac).

Two young men working out in pilates.
Two young men working out in pilates.

Others seek the strengthening and adequate control of the muscles, especially in the central area (the so-called core muscles), as well as postural hygiene as a preventive measure.

But any activity, from the simplest, is beneficial. Science indicates that walking reduces pain and improves quality of life, Apart from preventing movement avoidance behaviors in chronic low back pain. Plus, it’s one of the easiest and most affordable ways to stay active.

The singer Leona Lewis and her husband Dennis Jauch have enjoyed a walk with their dog in Los Angeles.

The important thing is to carry out an activity that is to the patient’s liking: the worst exercise is the one that is never done.

5. Can I do sports after having suffered it?

A sedentary lifestyle, a great enemy of our health in general, favors back pain to lengthen and generate greater disability. Therefore, rest must be duly justified and limited to the minimum possible time.

It has not been shown that practicing sports (leisure or competitive) causes back pain to reappear. Rather, it favors that the benefits of physiotherapy treatment are maintained, as long as the intensity and duration are regulated.

Train at home the easy way.
Train at home the easy way.

In any case, we must choose the appropriate discipline and have the advice of an expert. It is the case of swimming whose practice must be supervised if we opt for the butterfly style. In cycling we must adjust the position in the saddle to maintain a proper posture.

If we choose a team sport (football basketball…), the important thing is to take into account the contact between the participants and the sudden and intense movements. And in tennis, serving or serving is especially stressful because of the movements it requires of the back.

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As for the activity of running, it generates repeated impacts and stress on the lumbar spine in the heel strike phase, since it supports a compression that oscillates between 2.7 and 5.7 times the body weight. Intense running could be a risk factor for low back painbut doing it moderately even improves any type of back discomfort.

In summary, the best way to treat back pain is to reassure the patient, insist on avoiding unnecessary rest, control overmedication, and break the sedentary lifestyle

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