The best food for the heart

by time news

2023-09-29 08:44:17

Despite not being transmissible, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) produce a high incidence of deaths in the world, remember the experts of the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO). On the occasion of World Heart Day, September 29thspecialists propose the best food for the heart.

The Most CVD cases could be prevented leading healthy lifestyle habits and controlling certain risk factors that increase the probability of suffering from CVD, and which largely depend on behaviors that people can change or correct, according to this Institute.

It has been shown that people with excess visceral fat in their body are at greater risk of suffering from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart failure, ventricular fibrillation, stroke, myocardial infarction or sudden death. says Rubén Bravo, dietician and IMEO spokesperson.

Therefore, “it highlights the importance of eating a heart-healthy diet, increasing the quality and quantity of our restinclude routines that help reduce stress and limit alcohol and tobacco consumption as much as possible,” he warns.

“The accumulation of adipose tissue in the internal area of ​​the abdomen increases the risk for heart health because pressure is exerted on the vital organ and its arteries, and due to the large amount of inflammatory substances linked to effects that can be harmful generated by the visceral fat,” explains Carmen Escalada, clinical nutritionist at the Institute.

Heart-healthy diet

“To have a heart-healthy diet, which prevents the accumulation of fat in the visceral area, or allows us to eliminate it if we have already created it, we must focus on two key aspects: the quality and quantity of what we eat,” says the expert in IMEO nutrition.

In this sense, Escalada recommends prioritize fresh foods compared to ultra-processed ones, prioritizing vegetables and greens on the menu, preferably in season, due to their high antioxidant power, “being able to alternate their raw and cooked intake to make the most of their properties.”

It is also important eat quality proteins such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, fish, shellfish, eggs or legumesavoiding very fatty meats such as lamb or suckling pig (pork) and sausages such as chorizo, salchichón or mortadella, he adds.

According to Escalada, you can consume cereals or derivatives (rice, pasta, bread) in their whole grain version and tubers (potato, sweet potato), “adjusting the quantity to our degree of physical activity.”

At the same time, “they must reduce consumption of very fatty dairy products such as cured cheeses or creams (milk cream) and especially milk desserts such as sweetened yogurts, chocolate cups, ice cream, flans or custard,” he explains.

Likewise, Escalada advises avoid the consumption of cookies and other pastry products and sweets, rich in sugars, refined flours, saturated and ‘trans’ fats, which increase the problem of visceral fat accumulation.

Other healthy recommendations

Recommend cook with preparations that do not add a lot of fat such as grilling, steaming, baking, sautéing, wok or papillote, and using extra virgin olive oil instead of other more saturated or ‘trans’ type fats, such as butter or margarines.

To improve the flavor and appeal of the dishes, “we can season them, flavor them or accompany them with spices and herbs, some of them with healthy properties, such as turmeric, black pepper, garlic, onion, coriander or cinnamon,” he suggests.

He also advises eat on plates that are not too big and adapt the amount of food which is served according to the caloric expenditure of each person, since “an excessive intake of calories favors an increase in fat reserves and, over time, visceral fat, even if it comes from healthy foods, such as avocado, olive oil and nuts.”

To make heart-healthy eating simpler and more bearable, the expert proposes eat small, more frequent mealswhich “avoids arriving at main meals very hungry and, therefore, overeating.”

“The reference drink should be water, avoiding sugary and sweetened soft drinks, juices and alcoholic beverages, or relegating them to very occasional consumption,” he adds.

Stress under control

Stress is another risk factor which can favor the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, through various physiological mechanisms, according to specialists from the IMEO.

For reduce stress levels on a daily basis, Psychologist María González, from the aforementioned institute, advises “going step by step.”

“First of all, we must make sure that our basic needs, such as hunger or sleep, are covered, since, without adequate rest and nutrition, our stress will increase,” he points out.

Secondly, “we need to identify the main source of our stress, assess whether it can be modifiable and, finally, modify it, if it depends on us,” according to González.

“If we cannot change a stressful situation, we must focus on managing the emotions it generates in us and accepting what we cannot change,” he adds.

Finally, María González recommends the Frequent practice of physical activity, combining aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling or swimmingwith other exercises to develop strength, in which the number of repetitions takes precedence over the amount of weight that is lifted or moved when exercising.

“Maintaining quality social relationships helps to significantly reduce stress and is an excellent resource available to everyone,” according to this psychologist.

Fresh and seasonal fruits, allies of the heart and arteries. Photo: IMEO

Slow and relaxed food

Carmen Escalada also considers it advisable to “try to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere around meals, which encourages eating slowly and calmly, chewing properly, so that what we eat feels good to us and we digest it properly to get the maximum benefit from it.”

For reduce stress in our meals and manage the environment and the speed at which we eat, “We need to find a place where we can sit and there is pleasant light and an atmosphere, avoiding spaces with excessively artificial light or very noisy,” suggests psychologist María González.

To keep our attention on our food and not increase the speed with each bite, “it is not advisable to eat while watching a series or TV program that we really like or to have important conversations during the meal, as this can activate us excessively and generate stress.” added,” he maintains.

“The ideal would be to eat in silence, being aware of the sensations that food produces on our palate, with a relaxing sound or music in the background,” he points out.

Rest your forks frequently on your plate to take breaks Short meals between bites can also help us avoid speeding up meals and stress,” concludes González.

#food #heart

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