The Best Foods to Avoid for Successful Weight Loss After 30: HomePanorama

by time news

2023-12-04 20:15:08
As of: December 4th, 2023, 7:15 p.m
By: Julia Stanton

Many people have problems successfully losing weight as they age. We reveal which foods you should definitely avoid so that it works.

Kassel – Losing weight becomes increasingly difficult as you get older. Gaining weight, on the other hand, is often child’s play. According to research, even those who stay active start losing muscle mass after age 30 and put on fat instead. The consequence: a slower metabolism and lower calorie requirements. Anyone who eats the same diet as they did when they were young will inevitably gain weight. In women, this development is further exacerbated by hormonal fluctuations during menopause, which usually begins after the age of 50.

But don’t panic: this development can easily be counteracted with a few small changes. Of course, it is still important to get enough exercise. A balanced diet also plays a big role. Some foods, such as baked goods, chips or pasta, are best avoided completely. These foods are highly processed – meaning they have gone through multiple processing steps and contain many additives.

“Empty calories”: Highly processed foods increase the risk of disease

Highly processed foods are so unhealthy because they have been stripped of almost all fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are, so to speak, “empty” calories because they have no nutritional value for the body. They are also digested quickly and have a high glycemic index. This means that they cause a rapid rise in blood sugar after eating. They are therefore associated with an increased risk of certain diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease. In many countries, however, these foods make up a very large proportion of carbohydrate intake.

You should avoid these foods:

Sweets like chocolate and ice cream: It’s no secret that sweets or sugary foods are unhealthy. Fruit is a good substitute.
Sugary muesli or cereals: Most of these products contain a lot of bad carbohydrates. Healthier options include natural whole grains or unprocessed oatmeal.
White bread: You can easily replace it with whole wheat or whole wheat bread.
Noodles: The same applies here: whole grain or whole wheat pasta is healthier.
French fries and potato chips: Even fat-free and low-sodium chips contain a lot of bad carbohydrates. Sweet potato or black bean chips are an alternative.
Cookies, cakes and pastries: Most baked goods contain a lot of sugar. If you crave something sweet, you should choose fruit instead.

Although it can be difficult, older people in particular should try to find healthier alternatives to highly processed foods. For example, whole grain products are in most cases a better option than products made from white flour. Kimchi is one of the healthiest foods in the world and also stimulates digestion. Bitter substances, such as those found in nettle tea, also help you lose weight. (jus)]
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