The best free apps to learn languages

by time news

Tired of learn languages in a boring and repetitive way? Today, thanks to new technologies, we have access to various platforms that help us with the learning of multiple disciplines. We know how complicated it is to maintain the desire and enthusiasm when learning a language, therefore, today we offer you six alternatives to the conventional and tedious study of languages.


It is the most classic application that you can find in the ‘App Store’ to learn languages. This application offers you the possibility of studying an infinity of languages ​​at the same time, in addition to being able to certify your level of English. It currently has more than 120 million users. Thanks to its philosophy on learning languages ​​without barriers, you will be able to learn languages ​​such as English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan… even Esperanto! In this app you can start a new language from scratch, or, on the contrary, take an evaluation test to start with a more advanced level. Its methodology is very simple., is based on the translation of sentences in both languages, various games to easily learn new vocabulary, and the repetition of sentences to practice pronunciation. As you get it right, you can continue advancing towards the other levels. In conclusion, it is a fun and interactive way to learn, and it is one of the most popular applications today.


This application is super useful when you find yourself with doubts that you do not know how to solve during your language learning. It consists of a platform where you can ask many questions to native people, both grammatical doubts as cultural doubts. The great advantage of this app is the fact that you can ask people who really speak the language, which is why it guarantees you, on many occasions, accurate and helpful answers. You have six types of questions: 1. How can I say this? 2. Does this sound natural? 3. Please show me examples with… 4. What does this mean? 5. What is the difference between…? 6. Free question. Another great advantage is that users usually respond quite quickly, it usually takes a couple of minutes to have an answer to your questions. Besides, you will be able to participate not only as a student, but also as a teacher, since any user will be able to answer the doubts of others. Normally, the user who has formulated the question will mark the answer that he considers to be the best formulated and, therefore, has served him the most. This form of interaction in which you can improve both your grammatical level, your pronunciation or culture, makes the user experience much more entertaining.


Tandem, as its name indicates, allows the exchange of languages ​​between native people. The first step in this application will be to fill out a profile with the languages ​​you are interested in learning, the level you consider you already have in those languages, and your mother tongue. In addition to this, you can add photos, hobbies and interests, and even a brief description of how you would like your language exchange partner to be. Once you have edited your profile, you will begin to receive ‘matches’ from people who want to learn the languages ​​that you offer and are interested in teaching you the languages ​​that you prefer. You can chatrecord audio and even make video calls. Although this application is free, you can also get the option Tandem Pro for €2.99 per month. with this version you will have the possibility to see how many people with your interests are close to you, and thus be able to meet and talk in person. In addition, you will also appear in the first positions when other users look for people with your characteristics, so it will be easier for them to contact you. Finally, Tandem offers you the opportunity to earn money teaching. In the app, there is a section to search verified teachers, in case you are interested in hiring one, or on the contrary, in becoming one. Each tutor has a description with their skills and rates, and users can hire lessons of 20, 40, 60 or 90 minutes. Therefore, with this application you will not only be able to learn and practice new languages, but also meet and contact people from all over the world and from different cultures, thus becoming a very enriching experience.

LearnEnglish Podcasts

Another different way to learn English would be through this application, which has numerous podcasts with which you can practice your listening comprehension. this app weekly updates its content uploading new podcasts on any topic you can imagine. The app has the option to slow down or repeat what the user deems necessary. In addition, at the end of each podcast the user has at his disposal a series of exercises to test your understanding of the same. The topics are current, varied and interesting, and even you will be able to check if your ear adapts to different accents since it allows the option of listening to podcasts from people whose mother tongue is not English.


with this app you will travel the world while learning new languages. Learning begins as a journey, which consists of carrying out a series of lessons and exercises covering kilometers as you go along. Speekoo, moreover, offers videos and articles about the cities you are visiting depending on the language you are interested in, for example, if you are interested in learning German, you will learn anecdotes and stories about the cities of berlin, Leipzig or Hamburg. Each language has more than 20 levelsand each level with more than 12 lessons.


This app is aimed at Spanish-speaking people who want to learn English. It is based on the most frequent mistakes Spanish speakers do when speaking in English, so it allows you to focus on mistakes and thus be able to learn faster and better. It is an app developed by two Spaniards and two Englishmen, who realized the great difficulty young people have in understanding native English speakers after many years studying English, and they realized that most students make the same mistakes. This may be due to the fact that the learning is not directed and adapted to the Spanish speaker. For these reasons, they have created this app that focuses on what is really necessary, serving as lessons that help correct the most common errors. His exercises are planned in a way educational and different so that it is not monotonous and boring. This proposal allows the user to overcome that initial laziness that appears when learning a language. English is important, whether we like it or not, so what better alternative than this to learn it?

A language requires perseverance and effort, but we are sure that if you download any of these alternatives you will not want to stop learning and your language level will not stop growing. with these apps you will forget about memorizing grammar and vocabulary in a heavy and absurd way. Cheer up!

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