The best photos and videos of their historic concert in Copacabana

by times news cr

2024-05-09 05:43:35

Madonna in Brazil historically closed its Celebration Tour with a last concert in Copacabana, before 1.6 million spectators.

The tour in celebration of Madonna’s 40 years of artistic career had given a lot to talk about due to its spectacular nature, and the final concert could not go unnoticed.

Here we show you the best photos and videos of Madonna’s historic concert – 65 years old – in Brazil from Copacabana.

Madonna had her last concert in Copacabana; check out these photos and videos

The step that Madonna he had in Mexico was the beginning of his farewell to the Celebration Tour, with which he honored his 40 years of artistic career.

However, the concert Madonna en Brazil will go down in history after having managed to bring together 1.6 million nationals and foreigners.

What caught attention is that nothing could ruin Madonna’s presence in Brazil, since the singer appeared with a knee pad from the beginning of the show.

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Beyond sharing that she had started having joint problems by the end of the tour, Madonna simply wore a knee brace without any explanation.

And beyond his fans were upset by this, they celebrated his bravery in performing in Brazil even with medical problems and some even thought it was part of the locker room.

Madonna began her historic concert in Copacabana with “Nothing Really Matters”, and then calling Rio the “most beautiful place in the world.”

Afterwards, Madonna sang some of her beloved and long-awaited hits such as:

  • Holiday
  • Like a prayer
  • Live to tell
  • Don’t tell me
  • Beautiful island

And if you didn’t go to the concert or you want to see how historic it was, here is the photo and video compilation of Madonna in Brazil from Copacabana.

Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

Madonna took Anitta to the vogue show

There were three moments in which Madonna concert in Brazil It is classified as historical:

  • Arrival on stage
  • Scenery
  • Anitta

Two of these special moments in Madonna’s concert from Copacabana are related to the queen of pop’s set design.

And Madonna moved from a platform in her hotel room to the stage, to have an iconic arrival on the beach. She was staying at Copacabana Palace.

On the other hand, Madonna doubled the size of her stage, compared to her other concerts, since in Brazil she achieved 1.6 million fans.

Finally, what has always caught the attention of Madonna’s Celebration Tour is the vogue momentin which he chose Anitta, a famous Brazilian singer, to enjoy this show in front of her fans.

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Madonna’s historic concert in Copacabana, Brazil. (AFP)

2024-05-09 05:43:35

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