The best phrases of Tamara Falcó: “There is much more… than I had no idea”

by time news

Tamara Falcó explained her breakup with Íñigo Onieva in El Hormiguero. / ANTENNA 3

Tamara Falcó, in El Hormiguero

The Marchioness of Griñón spoke last night in El Hormiguero about her breakup with Íñigo Onieva. Tamara Falcó acknowledges that she is still in shock, although she says she does not feel pain for what she has lost: «One thing is what you imagine and such and another what it was (Íñigo Onieva)»

Ines Rodriguez

Tamara Falcó’s breakup with Íñigo Onieva continues to give a lot to talk about. Last night, the Marchioness of Griñón was at El Hormiguero, where every Thursday she collaborates and debates on all kinds of current issues together with Pablo Motos, Nuria Roca, Juan del Val and Cristina Pardo. The host of ‘Better late’ opened the can with an ironic “We’ll start talking about taxes, right?”, although everyone was clear who was the protagonist of the day: the debate began with Tamara Falcó and ended with Tamara Falcó. There was no other. Despite the repercussions of her breakup with Íñigo Onieva, the Marchioness of Griñón did not want to hide from her and she explained with hair and bones the reasons that led her to break up her relationship.

These are the best phrases of Tamara Falcó yesterday in El Hormiguero about her breakup with Íñigo Onieva:

no wedding date

“I don’t know if you have eliminated it, but June 17 is already free…”

Tamara Falcó began her explanation in El Hormiguero talking about an opening party she attended and in which she first learned about the video of Íñigo Onieva’s infidelity. “There he was gossiping a lot. I was having a great time… and they told me that a video had begun to circulate on WhatsApp. Of course, when I saw it the next day -in addition to the photos- I began to worry. At first I thought: ‘Forget the video’. Although, later, everything took a rather unexpected turn. I don’t know if you’ve eliminated it anymore, but on June 17 (planned date for the wedding of Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva) it’s already free…”

Support for

«The video of 2019; Íñigo Onieva, my boyfriend… a complicated line»

The Marchioness of Griñón also revealed the call from a hyper-friend who alerted her to the video. «He sent it to me, I saw it… but until then the alibi was that it belonged to 2019. ‘He is my boyfriend,’ I thought. It was a complicated line, but Íñigo Onieva also defended it in front of the media… », he explained while Tamara was grateful for the support received from those around her. «Thank God I have great friends, a lot of people who love me, among whom I include you (his colleagues from El Hormiguero). And there are many people who did not know me and have helped me a lot.

Would you forgive the horns?

Tamara Falcó, “like the exorcist’s girl: Are we crazy, or what!”

Once in the car, Isabel calls Tamara Falcó on the phone: “She’s setting up a…”, she informs her. The Marchioness of Griñón reminds her that she is calm because the video is from 2019, to which her mother recommends making it public, but not before warning Tamara not to say anything (“She knows I’m very loud,” she acknowledged ). Iñigo assures Isabel that she will go out and clear it up for the media. Said and done. At one point Tamara Falcó is asked if she would forgive her horns. «I turn around like a girl from the exorcist and say: ‘Are we crazy, or what?’».

new videos

“Tamara, there are more videos,” says my mother

After Íñigo Onieva gave his version, everything went back to normal… until Isabel Preysler informed him of the existence of new videos. “Life was wonderful and we were at a wedding. We dance, we take pictures with friends and when I come back I call my mother. Very happy, I say: ‘Mommy, have you seen? We have already denied everything’, to which she replies: «Tamara, there are more videos…». Tamara Falcó was concerned, but since they assured her that they were from 2019, she wanted to downplay them. «I told him: ‘Look, mommy, they have already come a long way, but since they are from 2019 this is a matter of time. If it’s not from 2019 it will come out. It is a matter of waiting. Meanwhile, she believes Iñigo (Onieva), in front of other people. And if not, don’t worry I’m going to make the right decision,'” she explained.

the story changes

«I told him the famous phrase of the nanosecond… and I don’t know what the metaverse is»

The relationship between Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva began to change and Isabel Preysler’s daughter released the already popular expression of the «nanosecond. And on top of that I don’t even know what the metaverse is-, Tamara admitted-. Sounds to me like it’s something from ‘Doctor Who’ or something. Nano, I knew that he was very small… ».

Difficult decision

«I am not going to continue, for everything that has been true»

Once the truth of the infidelity was known, Tamara Falcó chose to leave the relationship with Íñigo Onieva: «When the faltering begins to occur, I say… wheeze. I’m not going to spend the whole day locked up here with this man with whom I don’t know if I have anything in common. I left the ring on the table, took my bitches and tried to put everything in a bag. A friend came for me and I went to my mother’s house. Then everything began to come out, everything, everything… I’m not going to continue, for everything that has been true (I don’t even know what percentage it is), but since it’s not my style I’m not going to continue talking about what happened » he explained.

As a result of Íñigo Onieva’s infidelity, Tamara was clear that it was a path of no return. «What I do know is that with that it was totally impossible to get back with him, but with the rest of the lies I had to portray a person I know I was not going to marry. And I know that it’s a relief, but it’s hard, it’s a disappointment, it’s a lie about a lie. And that was really difficult.” she claimed her in El Hormiguero.

The faith of Tamara Falcó

«I did not know that in the virgin’s plans I was taking Íñigo Onieva on national television»

After the disappointment of Íñigo Onieva, Tamara Falcó wanted to keep the positive things. «I keep the good, I am very positive. There was no time when she was alone. In all this divine providence had a plan. I took refuge in God, and I remembered this summer when I was praying: ‘If he is not the man for me, take him away from me.’ What she did not know was that the virgin’s plans were to take it from me on national television ».


«One thing is what you imagine and such and another what it was»

Tamara Falcó also made reference to her current state of mind after the breakup with Íñigo Onieva: «The first days I had a better time, because I was surrounded by friends and people who love me. This, as far as it goes, is a disgrace but it’s more bearable that way. Lie and image go together, this was clearly stipulated in the contract. The relationship had to be based on trust. You can go to hell and you don’t have to do anything wrong. But when you break that trust…this is like a mirror you’ve hit with a hammer. I do a lot of therapy. According to the time stamp, I am now in shock time…for eight days. Then apparently the anger and sorrow enters. But now, pain for what I’ve lost, no. One thing is what you imagine and another what it was».


“There is so much more than I had no idea”

Despite the bad times, last night at El Hormiguero Tamara Falcó wanted to thank those around her for opening her eyes to her reality with Íñigo Onieva. “There’s so much more than I had a clue about. When I say to portray someone, it is in everything, and not only in the images. Thanks to my friends for making me see who I was going to marry. Because I have freed myself », she finished.

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