The best professors of Medicine in Mexico (2023 edition)

by time news

2023-08-22 23:00:42

The head of the SSa, Jorge Alcocer, delivered the National Recognitions for Health Quality 2023.
Within the categories, an award was given to the best professors of Medicine in the country and their work and passion were appreciated.
Other categories of the ceremony were for research and good practices in social work within health.

In all fields of life it is necessary to have people who inspire confidence for the correct transmission of knowledge. Sometimes it is not enough to have the information but the ability to make others understand it is required. With this in mind, the Medicine teachers are very important for the training of the new generations and some are considered among the best in the entire country.

All this comes to mind because the delivery of the National Recognitions for Health Quality 2023. The person in charge of leading this distinction was Dr. Jorge Alcocer Varela, head of the Ministry of Health (SSa).

The importance of quality in health

In his message, he stressed that it is necessary to turn the health system into a universal model, in which everyone has the same opportunities, regardless of rights, socioeconomic level or place of residence.

“We must return to the model of the traditional doctor who empathizes with the patient, is interested and talks with him, takes the pulse, places the thermometer, but without forgetting the benefits of current technology. We call this care centered on the patient, on the human being, and it is part of the primary health care strategy, and its actions are reflected in the route established in the MAS-Well-being model”.

He emphasized that the warmth of care is reflected in the way people are helped to resolve or reduce the effects of illnesses throughout their lives, keeping in mind their doubts, fears, anxiety and mixed feelings due to the effects in their health, which is the most valuable thing in the human being.

For his part, the owner of the General Directorate of Quality and Health Education (DGCES)José Luís García Ceja, pointed out that this recognition symbolizes the effort made throughout a working life.

He mentioned that the DGCES, in coordination with the General Health Council (CSG), created the Unified Quality Assessment Model. It concentrates the indicators aimed at guaranteeing that the medical units provide timely and quality care.

The director of Process Improvement of the DGCES, Nilson Agustín Contreras Carreto, awarded acknowledgments to 18 health professionals who, due to their merits and in the opinion of the Qualifying Jury, stood out in the field of social work in health or quality management and health care security in public institutions.

The best professors of Medicine in Mexico

Within the ceremony there are several categories. The recognitions of “Health Teaching” they were for Angélica Jacqueline Ábrego Soto, from the Cuauhtémoc Community Mental Health Center (Cecosam), from the Psychiatric Care Services; Victoria González García, from the National Institute of Geriatrics, and Verónica Martínez Velasco, from the Mexico City Ministry of Health (CDMX).

Recognition “Teaching in Quality and Safety of Health Care” it was for Jesús Alejandro Aldana López, from the Jalisco Ministry of Health; Arturo González Ledesma, from the CDMX Health Secretariat; María Isabel Romero Ochoa, from the Chiapas State Secretary of Health.

Other categories that were recognized

The award “Good Intervention Practices of Social Work in Health” it was delivered to Jessica Barrón Moreno, from the CDMX Health Secretariat; María Guadalupe Campirano Altamirano, from the General Hospital “Dr. Gregorio Salas”; Irene Correa Tinajero, General Hospital of Zitácuaro, Michoacán; Laura García García, from the Hidalgo Ministry of Health; and Marijay García Vázquez, from the Texcoco Maternity Hospital.

Recognition “Social Work Actions to Strengthen Primary Health Care” it was for César Alejandro Flores Betancourt, from the Health Services of San Luis Potosí; Adriana Bello Arellano, from the Mexican Social Security Institute Welfare Regime (IMSS-Welfare), and Marlene Sugey Pardo Soto from IMSS.

Recognition “Research on Quality and Safety of Health Care” It was for Héctor Hernández Mendoza, from the San Luis Potosí Health Services.

In “Management in Quality and Safety of Health Care” it was for Lizbeth Chávez Valdez, from the Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico; Odet Sarabia González, from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), and María Isabel Villegas Mota, from the National Institute of Perinatology.

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#professors #Medicine #Mexico #edition

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