The best tips to avoid adding kilos during the Christmas and New Year celebrations

by time news

2023-12-24 07:49:30

Gathering around a table to toast is the best classic Christmas, New Year’s Eve and other celebrations. All over the world these holidays are synonymous with meetings con family and friends, usually around a table overflowing with food and drinks. And in our latitudes, the meeting is usually at maximum summer temperature. The result is also a classic: at the end of the party the balance shows several extra kilos and our metabolism suffers various stomach disorders and discomforts.

“Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinners are a time of gathering, enjoyment and happiness, and a bad relationship with food can overshadow all these beautiful sensations. Therefore, achieving a balance between enjoyment and good quality and quantity of food can allow us to experience the pleasure of eating, to be able to decide without obsessions or restrictions and to feel good physically and emotionally,” explained the doctor. Virginia Busnelli, nutrition specialist with a focus on obesity. And the director of the Center for Endocrinology and Nutrition Crenyf He added: “It is good practice to take a few minutes to to thank the meeting and the food. This is valuable to be able to stop and realize what is in front of them.”

In that sense, the expert suggest an exercise: “leave the cutlery for a little while, look at the people, laugh, drink water and return to awareness of the moment.”

The best quality of nutrition is supported by the use of many vegetables

From the strict point of view of food, the classic also rules: The best quality of nutrition is supported by the use of many vegetables. “Fill the table with salads of all colors and serve a full plate to start the night” is his suggestion. Another key point: reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods as much as possible, which tend to have a high concentration of sodium and fat.

When it comes to sauces and mayonnaise, always choose options with less fat. In this sense it serves replace the cream for white skim cheeses, creams made from legumes or even tofu.

A separate point is that of the hydration. We must not forget that alcohol dehydrates, so it must be accompanied with a lot of water. In fact, the best option is to leave the alcoholic beverages for the toasts. Obviously, the designated driver or pregnant women should not take anything.

For its part, Natalia Presner, nutritionist and staff of the Nutrition Division of the Hospital de Clínicas of the UBA, recalled that times of celebration usually mean meals with high calorie intake and consumption of alcoholic beverages. “But the key to avoiding these situations is to maintain a balanced diet, but allowing yourself some indulgence on holidays. Always, of course, without abuse.”

The usual thing at the end of the year holidays is a high consumption of foods high in sugars, flours, fats and salt. All elements that do not contribute to a healthy diet,” says the expert. And she remembers that these excesses are usually associated with discomfort, such as a feeling of heaviness, intestinal inflammation, headache and dullness. “Given these symptoms, you have to do a digestive rest and a good intake of water” recommends Presner.

The hangover It is associated with unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache, which can occur after consuming a lot of alcohol. “Prevention involves avoiding exceeding the recommended moderate alcohol intake,” said the nutritionist.

The key to getting through the celebrations without stomach upset is: a based feeding in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, skim dairy products and cereals, preferably whole grains. There is no special formula to combine meals outside of this,” Presner concluded.

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