The best travel insurance for Spain

by time news

Summer Vacation… Try to read this without putting music on it – okay, depending on your age, you might not even know what I’m talking about. It’s time to leave home and enjoy leisure away from your place of residence. If you are not going to leave the country, it is likely that you have not considered hiring travel insurance. Total, if I am in Spain and I have my health card, what am I going to pay for? Keep reading, we are going to give you a few reasons to hire the best travel insurance for Spain.

The Palace of Communications, today the seat of the town hall and CentroCentro

To start, hire a travel insurance for Spain it’s much cheaper than you might think – we even offer you a 5% discount on that cheap price. To continue, we are not only talking about health problems – which are already more than enough reason to hire him. And finally, COVID-19 can still spoil your vacation at the last minute.

Let’s go on a trip to Spain, but safe.

Why take out travel insurance for Spain?

I have my health card and with it I can go to any hospital or public health center in Spain without paying anything”. We are sure that it is the first thing you thought of when considering hiring a travel insurance for Spain. The first thing you have thought or the first thing they have answered you when you have spoken with your companions.

There is no doubt that the cost of medical visits is covered, but… have you been to a hospital emergency room? Prepare some hours in the waiting room. And that will be a good sign, because it will mean that nothing very serious has happened to you and they have not made you jump the whole queue. Wouldn’t you prefer a quick visit and continue enjoying your vacation?

Be careful, we are not just talking about the current situation –with saturated emergencies in most hospitals–, we are talking about a classic situation in summer. I still remember the more than three hours we spent in the Almería hospital almost forty years ago! while we waited for my sister to be treated for some insect bites all over her body. And we also don’t want it to seem like we’re messing with Spanish healthcare, that we’ve had hours of waiting in public hospitals in half of Europe, before traveling with insurance – that we were also one of those in the first sentence years ago.

Artabra Coast Doninos Beach Sunset
Sunset at Doniños beach

A couple more advantages: the medicines are covered by travel insurance and dentist visitsalso.

Not only health insurance, more advantages of travel insurance

But, beyond health problems, travel insurance for Spain –or for any destination– has many more clauses. Do you know all the problems that the best travel insurance for Spain can solve?

Since delays in airplanes – and strikes of aviation personnel in the summer are another classic – to losses of Baggage. That, not to mention robberies, that Spain is a very safe country, but anything can happen. Or situations like family trips, civil liability, accidents

Brihuega Guadalajara Lavender Fields Lines
Infinite lavender fields in Brihuega

And, as many of the trips around Spain are done with your own car, how about having the vehicle theft and even the vet expenses if you travel with your pet? you got all this with him best travel insurance for Spainthe IATI Getaways, for less than €6 a week –with the 5% discount from here–. Is it really worth the risk?

The best travel insurance for Spain

Ok, we have gone ahead and we have already told you that, in our opinion, the best travel insurance for Spain is the IATI Getaways. We talk about travel insurance with a medical expenses coverage of €50,000 for each case you open –for a country like Spain more than enough in general–. It is important to emphasize the “for each case you open”, there are other insurances with higher coverage, but that are for the entire duration of the policy regardless of the number of parts you give.

Of course, it covers problems with baggage delays and losses, robberies, family trips, civil liability… But it has something else: theft and damage to luggage in your car, camper o moto, attention to your pets –from veterinary assistance to civil liability insurance–, adventure sports, bike theft… Because all those things that you take with you when you travel nearby also have to be protected.

Sagrada Familia Barcelona Interior Fish Eye Altar
The interior of the Sagrada Familia

Obviously they have to responder in case of any problem, it is very good that the paper policy covers everything, but it also has to be covered on the ground. We have been traveling with IATI insurance for years and we attest that they respond. We have used them all over the world, also in places as close as Italy, and it has always been fast, close and efficient. We also like the detail that they make a follow up on your case with subsequent calls to know how the visit went and if you are better. And we have contacted them by phone, by emailby private message from Twitter… what you want.

And the precio? Less than €6 a week –€5.64 with the 5% discount from here–.

Price of the best travel insurance for Spain: cheaper than you thought

We keep getting ahead of ourselves, but we couldn’t wait any longer to say that you can have the best travel insurance for Spain by just over €5.50 for a week. Yes, €5.64, that is the price of the IATI Getaways for a week contracting from here –with a 5% discount on the base price–.

If you are going to spend more time, we will only tell you that the insurance of three weeks has a cost of €14.04 with the discount from this link.

Costa Blanca Cala Ambolo Alicante Javea
Cala Ambolo, in Javea, Costa Blanca

You can also extend the insurance with one of cancellation of up to €1,000 –you have to contract it a maximum of 7 days after purchasing the flight or the vacation package– for between €2.50 and €3.50 depending on the duration of the policy.

Here is a table with the main insurance coverage and price for one, two and three weeks in July 2022. Remember that you have a 5% discount if you hire from here.

IATI Escapadas
7 days5,94 €
14 days9,28 €
21 days14,78 €
medical expenses50.000 €
Theft and damage to luggage1.000 €
electronic equipment500 €
civil liability30.000 €
transport delays
Family displacement910 €
vehicle theft1.000 €
veterinary assistance1.500 €
Price table of the best travel insurance in Spain

Comparison of prices for travel insurance in Spain

We have told you that the IATI Escapadas is he best travel insurance in Spain in our opinion for what it covers and how it covers it, for how they respond y for the price. The first thing you can confirm in the conditions of the policy. You’ll have to take our word for the latter, we’ve used it – well, other IATI insurance – a few times. And, so that you don’t have to look for data from the third party, here’s a Comparative table with insurance and its prices from other companies.

Prices are for one One week insurance for Spain in July 2022. We have included the price of the IATI Getaways without the 5% discount. Keep in mind that only IATI Getaways covers the expenses of pets and in your own vehicle.

IATI EscapadasMondo Travel TranquilityIntermundial go|easyWorld Travel TopChapka Cap Trip BasicIntermundial Totaltravel miniChapka Cap Trip Plus
7 days5,94 €6,11 €8,07 €8,58 €9,35 €11,07 €11,80 €
medical expenses50.000 €50.000 €50.000 €150.000 €1.000 €300.000 €20.000 €
Theft and damage to luggage1.000 €1.000 €750 €1.500 €800 €1.500 €2.500 €
electronic equipment500 €500 €385 €750 €400 €750 €1.250 €
civil liability30.000 €50.000 €50.000 €50.000 €€40,000 (with €150 deductible)50.000 €€60,000 (with €150 deductible)
Comparison of travel insurance prices in Spain

Other insurance to travel in Spain: with a camper or with the family

Depending on your trip, the best insurance may not be IATI Getaways.

If you go to travel with childrentake a look at IATI Families with medical coverage up to €300,000, pediatric care, extended civil liability insurance for children…

And you travel with the house in towin a motorhome or camperyou can also take out insurance that covers your vehicle, the ITI Camper. The price varies depending on the type of insurance you want: all risk, third party or third party Premium.

What to see in Gijon Playa San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo beach, Gijon

Travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage

You hardly hear about it anymore. COVID-19 on the news, there is hardly any news in the newspapers and there is not much comment on the radio either, but it is still here. In fact, it has already been accepted that he is going to stay with us. So isn’t it a good idea to have a travel insurance that covers the expenses associated with the happy virus? Before you ask, of course: the best travel insurance for Spain had to cover them. That said, IATI Getaways and the rest of IATI insurance have COVID-19 coverage.

If you hire the cancellation insurance of IATIin addition to the classic reasons for cancellation, are also valid:

  • test positive for COVID-19 or positives from your parents or your children;
  • quarantine prescribed by medical professionals in case of having been in contact with a COVID-19 positive;
  • the side effects suffered from coronavirus vaccines.
Roque Nublo Sunset Climbo
Sunset at Roque Nublo, Gran Canaria

Travel insurance for Spain from abroad: travel insurance for Europe

If your destination is Spain, but your origin is not, you will not be able to contract the IATI Getaways, but that does not mean that we do not have good news for you. In fact, we have written about the best travel insurance for europe, where we tell you in detail everything you need to know. An advance: it is more expensive, but it is still a very affordable expense and you should not stop hiring it. Furthermore, it is mandatory to enter any country of the European Unionlike Spain, from Latin America.

Holidays are to be enjoyed without worries, let the insurance take care of everything. By the way, if you still have the music in your head or you don’t know what I was talking about: Summer vacations.

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