The best way to sterilize glass jars..easy and smart

by time news

Follow-up – Suzanne Hassan

Jars are one of the basic tools in which we store what we want from pickles, tomato sauce and various jams. Recently, large cafes have become in these side-hand jars to offer many drinks, and here you learn about the multiple uses of your glass jars in cooking and serving drinks.

Here is the best and easiest way to sterilize jars:

Mortar in the kitchen and its uses

Before we mention to you the steps of sterilization and cleaning of jars, we must know that jars of ready-made food are very good for preserving foods, so we should not throw them and keep them, but we must make sure that they are glass and their lids are not plastic.

If we want to buy these jars from the market, we must pay attention that they contain rubber rings and glass lids, because they will be the best in preserving foods.

At first, we must preheat the oven to a temperature of 120 ° C.

Meanwhile, we wash the jars and then soak them with their lids in hot water with a little dishwashing liquid. We must also remove any stickers on them by rubbing them well with a sponge, after that we have to rinse the jars after washing them with dishwashing liquid.

In front of the rubber rings, they must be washed and then placed in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes to get rid of the accumulated dirt and germs.

We do not dry the jars with the cloth, and leave them to drain the water inside the oven tray, and after the oven temperature reaches 120 degrees Celsius, we insert the jars into it until they are completely dry.

Finally, we hope you liked the article.

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