the best ways to treat it

by time news

Hand eczema: everyone who has to deal with it wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. It itches, twitches and your hands often look red and flaky. Let alone your frustration inside, because while you know that you can’t scratch the spots open, you prefer nothing more than to sit on them all day. What causes hand eczema and more importantly: can hand eczema cure? JAN answers, and already tips these creams that restore your skin.

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Hand eczema: everything about this skin disease

Hand eczema skin diseases: It is one of the most common eczema out there. The backs of the hands, palms and fingers can be affected and covered with itchy spots. Very annoying of course! Fortunately, nowadays there are quite a few solutions for hand eczema, but because the cause of eczema is not clear, it is important to first find out where your hand eczema comes from.

Causes of hand eczema

Do you suffer from hand eczema? You’re not the only one! It is fairly common in the Netherlands, in both men and women. People who, through their profession, come into contact with irritants or substances that cause allergies, have a high risk of developing eczema. Think, for example, of masseurs who work with certain oils and often have to wash their hands, or people in care, cleaning or construction. This form of eczema is called contact eczema and often occurs on the hands.

Hand eczema due to stress also occurs. Long-term stress can cause a disrupted skin barrier, making your skin more susceptible to rashes such as eczema. If stress is a cause of your eczema, you usually suffer from atopic eczema. It can occur on your hands, but also especially in the backs of the knees and elbows. As you can see, eczema is not caused by bacteria or fungi. Eczema is really an inflammatory reaction of the skin. So, is hand eczema contagious? The answer is no.

Treating Hand Eczema

Then the question that everyone with hand eczema is trying to find an answer to: how can hand eczema be treated? We’ll get straight to the point: unfortunately there is no definitive solution (yet) to get rid of your hand eczema. But — luckily there’s a “but” — there are many ways to combat the symptoms of hand eczema, and you can go a long way.

This way you can tackle hand eczema from the inside by paying attention to your diet. The relationship between hand eczema nutrition is in fact clearer than previously thought. That is why it is important first of all to rule out food allergies, and also to pay attention to foods with an anti-inflammatory effect such as ginger and products with Omega-3.

Hand eczema ointment

To calm the affected skin, people with hand eczema often go loose with hand eczema ointment and hand eczema cream. Keep doing that too! It is important to avoid dehydration as it is one of the causes of persistent hand eczema. Lubricate, lubricate and lubricate some more; that’s the motto. This hand eczema cream and ointments work best against hand eczema:

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