The Big Brother house is about to explode. Meanwhile all the tenants live in the movie

by time news

The word “player” is an ambiguous word in the Hebrew language. While in English there are two meanings for the word – one is “Player” (that is, an active participant in a sporting or other game), and the other is “Actor” (an actor in the dramatic sense), here the two different concepts, almost opposites, dream together. The years have added additional meanings to these two meanings – “player” has also become a nickname for a person who knows how to “play it”, that is, very successful in his field; But an “actor” is also someone who impersonates. pretending.

This is the dissonance that was at the center of the episode broadcast yesterday on “Big Brother”: the weekly task was the “movie task”, in which the brother’s house was converted into a movie theater (as usual, a great opportunity for sponsored content – this time for “Cinema City” and the movie “Love You Charlie” with Noa Kirel, which was released recently) – and the tenants were asked to act on the basis of clips from classic Borax films.

Snooker celebration? What is a snooker celebration? “Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

Which raises the question: who exactly is this reference aimed at? Currently, the oldest resident of the house (a sparrow) is 45 years old. The average age is 29, which means that the average year of birth is 1993. The games in the mission were based on three movies – “Snooker” by Boaz Davidson was released in 1975 (28 years before) , “Charlie and a Half” in 1974, “Saffias” in 1982. That is, the most recent movie was released 11 years before most of the residents were born. What is especially ironic is that it was Daniel, the third youngest resident of the house, who recognized all the references one by one and made sure to recite them in rather fine imitations of a prowling wolf. Kazem and Marina, for example, did not understand what they were talking about at all.

In any case, the task was a good excuse to make light of the war between the camps that takes place at home, with the help of the “egg scene” that judged Kazem and Daniel, Nathaniel who got a head in snooker in the easiest trap in the world (put him against a boy, who happens to be the national champion in the field? The late Boaz Davidson was, Probably, writes a better script) – and of course, the entry of a celebrity into the house, when this time it was the never-ending Tzachi Noi who appeared together with Nathaniel and Shaf, all in women’s clothes, when they performed “Mama Yokoro”. I am currently trying to get the image out of my head.

Life in a movie, did we say?  we said  Kazem, "the big brother" (Screenshot: Network 13)

Life in a movie, did we say? we said Kazem, “Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

Along with all of this, there was also a twist – in the form of the Academy Awards ceremony that was organized at home (“Life in the movie” they called the awards, after the coin of the tongue made by Kazem). As part of the ceremony, the tenants were appointed as an academy on their own behalf and chose who were the best “actors”: who was unreliable, who stood out in the field of sound, who was the comedic actor – and who is the best actor, i.e. the tenant who according to the other tenants should take home the million . The elections, as expected, were interesting and also sparked renewed intrigues among the tenants.

Daniel was in the spotlight – on the one hand, he was chosen along with Riva as one of the unreliable tenants, which greatly emphasized the loud and harsh quarrel between them. On the other hand, he chose Ilana as a “supporting actress” (that is, an actress who does not stand out in the house) and caused her to be offended, remembering their lost relationship at the beginning of the season. Riva, of course, did not avoid pulling out this card in her other argument with the surfer.

But why are you shouting?  Riva, "the big brother" (Screenshot: Network 13)

But why are you shouting? Riva, “The Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

Daniel is an interesting case of a tenant who was marked almost from the beginning as a favorite, and slowly comes out of his shell as a consensus and becomes involved, perhaps even controversial. On the other hand, he is also the one chosen by the tenants as “the best actor” – that is, as the favorite to win (two interesting choices were there – Bar chose Nathaniel, precisely after the legendary fight between them; and Nathaniel actually chose Kazem, who hated himself, as his choice).

Besides – speaking of the “player” question, once again the question of credibility was on the table. Bar and Riva again pulled the “I shout because I’m real” card. Riva got a kind of mirror about the antagonism that is swarming her at home – and only increased it with a winning speech that was both defensive and aggressive. In general, the award reminded less of the prestigious Oscar – and more of the “Razi”, the award for the worst films, the one that no one really wants to receive (except for aging actors for whom every chance to stand on a stage is a blessing).

Ugly manipulation of the brother.  Nathaniel, "the big brother" (Screenshot: Network 13)

Ugly manipulation of the brother. Nathaniel, “The Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

A moment that must be talked about happened towards the end of the episode – and that is the moment when inside the makeshift movie theater, the promo for Diane Schwartz’s interview was shown, which of course put Nathaniel in a particularly unpleasant situation. Here it should be said that Big Brother performed a kind of manipulation – he aired the short promo, but did not show one of the main headlines of the interview – the moment when Diane confesses her love for Nathaniel. It was a kind of game, in my eyes very cruel, towards Nathaniel – who did not receive this very important detail. You can bet that this video will still reach him one way or another.

On Saturday, an earthquake is expected in the house one way or another – three tenants will finish their journey when the new week begins, and in the episode that will be broadcast tonight, the tenants are expected to receive the news that the whole house is about to be evicted. After the mid-season tenants have been consistently filtered out, now the real game begins: everyone who comes off this list will already be significant in the design of the house. So three of these in one episode? It’s going to be very interesting.

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