“The big political subject of this new school year concerns the capacity of work to ensure a dignified life and a better future for everyone”

by time news

2023-09-26 04:00:11

When we ask the members of the majority about the social purpose of Emmanuel Macron’s double five-year term, the best shared answer is this: a return to full employment, in other words the end of mass unemployment which undermines the country for five decades. In 2017, France had 9.1% of its active population unemployed. By 2022, the percentage had fallen to 7.1%. The stated objective is to reach 5% in 2027 and to be able to say that through stubbornness, a revolution has taken place, which does not only affect the figures, but also concerns the mind of a society collectively. depressive: if a deep source of anxiety can be removed, everything could get better.

The slowdown in growth may weaken the objective, but the government is clinging to it all the more because it gives rise to the coherence of a good part of what has been undertaken for six years: the supply policy, the reform of unemployment insurance, those of apprenticeship and vocational high school.

One anxiety chasing the other, however, it is no longer the level of unemployment that concerns the French. The big political topic this fall concerns work, or more precisely the capacity of work to ensure a dignified life and a better future for everyone.

Political bomb

The catastrophic revaluation of the salaries of teachers and those in the care professions, threatened by the same disaffection, the increase in the index point of civil servants accompanied by specific measures for low and medium salaries, the announcement of a social conference on low wages and careers do not exhaust the subject.

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Through a reversal of the situation that no one had anticipated, the question of work which does not open up sufficient prospects is about to turn into a political bomb: inflation, much more stubborn than expected, is eating away at purchasing power; the rapid rise in interest rates annihilates for many households the prospect of becoming owners of their home; the rental market is hypertensive. As for the over-indebted State, it can no longer play the role of social firefighter as much as in recent years. Like other players, it is affected by the rise in interest rates, which weighs on the repayment of its debt.

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The clumsy and aborted attempt by Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, to lower gasoline prices by authorizing sales at a loss, and the negative response from the distributors contacted, are indicative of the change in climate that is taking place. between the government and employers. Fed for years with supply-side policy, accustomed to being pampered in the name of restoring competitiveness, businesses find it difficult to accept that the government can ask them to “take their part”. They are reluctant to reduce their margin to limit the effects of inflation or to review the sharing of added value to increase wages.

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#big #political #subject #school #year #concerns #capacity #work #ensure #dignified #life #future

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