The black color on the tombstones in the Bible caused an uproar

by time news

Worshipers who came to the Shabbat-observing Beit Chaim in Bnei Brak near the graves of Israel’s great men discovered this evening that four tombstones had been defaced with black paint and erased all the letters engraved on the tombstone | It turns out: the letters on the tombstones were renewed and caused panic among the worshipers who called the police

Worshipers who arrived this evening (Wednesday) at Beit Chaim Shabbat Remembrancer Zichron Meir in Bnei Brak discovered to their astonishment that tombstones had been defaced this evening with black graffiti paint, which was splashed on top of the tombstones.

‘Bachderi Haredim’ learned that worshipers who came to pray at the graves of Israel’s elders discovered what was happening and called the police, who opened an investigation and checked the cameras in the area.

An eyewitness at the scene told ‘Bachderi Haredim’: “I arrived at the tent of the rebbe of Beit Vizhnitz this evening and smelled a strong smell of paint, I immediately saw the graves painted black, I called the police who arrived at the scene immediately.”

“It is near the Zion of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zt’al, I don’t know what the background is to the conversation,” he added and said.

The word of publication in ‘Bechadari Haredim’ caused a great storm, which was later approved as a maintenance treatment for renewing the letters on the tombstone. ‘Bachderi Haredim’ learned that the MZP investigators looked into the matter and discovered that it was a replacement of tombstones.

The graves painted black in Bnei Brak
Photo: S.F.H

The graves painted black in Bnei Brak

The graves painted black in Bnei Brak
Photo: S.F.H

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