the blind spot of the reform

by time news

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CHRONIC. Civil servants benefit from an advantageous method of calculating their pension. Due to the fact that their bonuses would not be taken into account. Pure theory.

By Pierre-Edouard du Cray*

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RNothing on the special retirement of civil servants, not a word in the reform bill debated in Parliament. The so promised fairness is therefore not for tomorrow… It must be said that, this time, the administration has anticipated the blow by multiplying the reports (Pension Orientation Council, Dress, etc.) and press releases, a few months before the presentation of the project, to explain to us, by the menu, that the plans of its own agents would not be more advantageous than the others. As if there was nothing more to reform on that side. Who wants to believe it?

Among the many advantages enjoyed by public officials is, in good place, the method of calculating the pension. Their retirement is calculated on the basis of the remuneration received during the last six months…

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