the “blitz” on Mediaset – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-04-28 15:45:00

Last episode for Next another. After Friday 28 April, and for about a month and a half, only reruns will be broadcast. Then here’s that Paul Bonolis will be replaced by Free fall con Gerry Scotti. Anyway, nothing to worry about, Bonolis e Luca Laurenti they will be back next year. “Next will probably be the last year of Next another. Partly by the conductor’s will and then because the program has made its way. This new season of Next another she was very lucky, this is the 12th year,” she confessed Marco Salvati author of the Canale 5 program a Casa Pipol.

We send him to the pavement: Bonolis and Bruganelli, another bomb

Meanwhile in the future of Bonolis there is not only Next another. In fact, the new edition of Hi Darwin. “Under my pressure and received very willingly by Paolo Bonolis, in addition to the audience made up of men only and the one made up of women only, we will have the rainbow one, made up of a mixed audience. In this new segment there may be those who want to feel free to support whoever they want,” Salvati anticipated.

Sonia Bruganelli, goodbye to Paolo Bonolis?  Tick ​​the decisive photo |  Look

The recordings of new episodes of the next edition of Hi Darwin they will leave in April. The program will instead be broadcast in prime time on Canale 5 from October for ten episodes. All with the Bonolis-Laurenti couple.

#blitz #Mediaset #Libero #Quotidiano

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