The blockade of the Mexico-Puebla highway and Arco Norte has already caused losses of 4 billion pesos

by time news

Mexican Industrialists Demand End ⁢to Highway⁢ Blockades

Mexican⁣ industrialists‌ are expressing concern⁢ over​ the ongoing blockade of the Mexico-Puebla highway and⁢ the Arco Norte,‍ which has caused an estimated deficit of 4 billion ⁣pesos. ⁤The blockade, which began ⁣on ‍August 6th, was initiated by ⁤residents of the Santa ⁢Rita Tlahuapan municipality who ⁢are demanding compensation for ⁤their expropriated lands.

The highway and the Arco Norte ‍are vital ‍transportation routes‌ connecting the ‌Valley of Mexico ⁢with the south and north of ⁣the country. Their blockage⁤ has had ⁣a significant impact on supply chains and the movement ⁣of​ people and goods.

Industrial ⁢organizations such as the Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic⁣ (Coparmex) and the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin) have condemned the blockades, arguing ​that they‌ drive ⁣away⁣ investment and compromise economic​ stability.

These organizations have called on the government ‌to intervene and resolve the ‌conflict peacefully, urging authorities to engage⁣ in dialogue with⁣ the residents​ and find a solution that respects their⁣ rights​ and ensures⁢ the free flow of traffic.

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