the Blue regret “their lack of efficiency” during the semi-final

by time news

Whether Kadidiatou Diani, Eve Périsset, Grace Geyoro or Charlotte Bilbault, all the French players made the same observation after the elimination against Germany (1-2).

Kadidiatou Diani (striker for the France team): «Definitely a lot of disappointment. Unfortunately, we didn’t know how to reach the final. But that’s part of the game, we’re really, really disappointed. We met a Germany which caused us a lot of problems, especially in the first half. It’s the high level, it’s the game, congratulations to them quite simply. The main regrets, I think, are above all the lack of efficiency, even today. Unfortunately, it happens, but we will learn from it for the next competitions.“(at the microphone of Canal +)

Eve Périsset (side defender of the France team): «I am very disappointed, very frustrated because we all had the objective of going to the final. We did not succeed. We came across a very nice German team. We should have been more efficient. We had a few chances and they were. They hit the bull’s eye tonight, not us. When they scored, we were better on them. Afterwards, we know that in big matches, if we don’t achieve our highlights, we take the risk that the opponent will do it. That’s what happened in this semi-final. It is high level sport. Now we have achieved great things on this Euro. But as we have not achieved our goal of reaching the final, we will also have to look at what went wrong. We must continue to work.(Our special correspondent)

Delphine Cascarino (left winger of the France team): «I don’t think Germany was too strong for us. Simply, they looked at us well, studied well, perhaps better than we did vis-à-vis them, I don’t know… They were better in this semi-final and they deserve their victory . Physically, we were below them. Inevitably, the two days of recovery were able to play, but that’s how it is. They had two more days, good for them. If we had them, we don’t know what it would have done. And then we also had one more extension in the legs, and that was solely our fault. We have no excuses. Inevitably, it is a failure. This saddens us but we must quickly move on.(Our special correspondent)

Grace Geyoro (France midfielder): «I think the Germans managed to be more killers than us. We had situations, and if we had put them to the bottom the result would undoubtedly have been different. Now, we have to take something positive from having reached the semi-finals, by doing everything so that next time it passes. For me, this is not a failure. Germany is a good team, which had analyzed our game well by blocking our corridors perfectly. We felt they were very ready. On our side, we were solid during this Euro and we created a lot of chances, which is difficult in football. We have to keep it all. This defeat should make us grow for the future. In difficult times, we have to stick together.(Our special correspondent)

Clara Mateo (midfielder of the France team): «It’s a shame because I think we have very great players in the France team and we had the means to go to Wembley. There is a lot of disappointment, and also a little frustration, of course. It didn’t turn out much. In the locker room, it wasn’t easy to find the right words after such a defeat because we don’t all react the same way. For the future, we have gained experience and we now have to fix the little details that we missed in this semi-final.(Our special correspondent)

Charlotte Bilbault (France midfielder) : «Disappointment prevails. We wanted to go to Wembley, it made us dream. Now, I think we did great things during this Euro. We can be proud of what we have done. From now on, we must prepare to start again on a three-year cycle with a World Cup in 2023, then the Olympic Games in Paris the following year and finally a Euro. Here, on this competition, we have started to write a story. This is the first chapter and we must continue to write it, hoping that the sequel will be even better. In this match, we felt tired and the Germans were effective. The high level is played on details and this half proved it to us again.(Our special correspondent)

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