the Blues win against the Canadians three months before the World Cup

by time news

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The French women’s team won 2-1, thanks to Grace Geyoro and Léa Le Garrec, against Canada in a friendly on Tuesday evening at Le Mans. A second victory for the new coach of Les Bleues, Hervé Renard, augurs well for the World Cup.

Second successful match for the new coach of Les Bleues, Hervé Renard. Four days after its victory against Colombia (5-2), the French women’s team obtained a reference victory against the Canadian Olympic champions in a friendly (2-1), Tuesday April 11 at Le Mans (west). A welcome success three months before the World Cup, which will take place from July 20 to August 20.

>> To read also: Bleues: ambitions, staff and returns… The six lessons from the beginnings of Hervé Renard

Wendie Renard’s teammates confiscated the ball from Canada early in the game. But on the rare Canadian incursions, the French were in difficulty, like an overflow from Grosso and a strike from Sinclair, well repelled by Picaud (5e), who was celebrating his second selection.

In the second act, the match got carried away. Le Sommer rattled the bar on a well-placed header. Four minutes later, the Blues have finally found the fault. Delphine Cascarino performed a festival, centered and found Geyoro in the box. The latter took the lead and opened the scoring (51e).

Hervé Renard’s players then took advantage of an error by Canadian goalkeeper Sheridan to make the score worse. Six years after her last selection, Léa Le Garrec hits from afar and scored the second tricolor goal (64e). Constance Picaud, the goalkeeper of the France team, also made a mistake, quickly sanctioned by Jordyn Huitema (71e), which reduced the score for Canada. Les Bleues thus calmly continue their path towards the World Cup.

With AFP and Reuters

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