The blunt reaction of the Catalan writer Júlia Bacardit to the colleagues who have “mocked” her for her ban on Spanish

by time news

Júlia Bacardit has become in the last 24 hours one of the most pronounced names on the entire cultural scene and has centered a great debate -and commotion- on Twitter.

“I don’t want to contribute to the bilingualization of Catalan literature,” he argued emphatically when he addressed the matter in an interview.

Last January he launched the book ‘A Sentimental Diary’the book that has refused to reach more people by refusing to translate.

Now, Bacardit has spoken on social networks after the commotion generated, although it has not entertained much with the anonymous ‘haters’ of the Internet and has focused on another group.

After receiving several derogatory comments and more than one ‘Catalan supremacist’ attribution to her person, the writer assured this Thursday that she does not “care about any of that”, but she did want to send a clear message to other Catalan authors who, according to her, they have “scorned” him.

“You are cowards”

Bacardit has done it in the form of a song, specifically with a song by ‘Perkele’, a Swedish punk band that is characterized by its anti-establishment slogans.

The title makes the message very clear to his fellow Catalan writers: ‘Cowards’ (‘Cowards’, in English).

“I try to explain myself and you don’t listen to me, I try to tell you and you don’t care, I try to teach you but your eyes are closed, what else can I do… Now it’s up to you, you’re just cowards”, reads the lyrics of the theme chosen by Bacardit, that even mentions “stabbed in the back”.

Bacardit, who is also the creator of the podcast ‘Las Golfas’, published in the past works such as ‘The price of being a mother’, which sold more in Spanish than in its original version in Catalan.

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