The body is the protagonist of two exhibitions at the GAM and at the PAC in Milan

by time news

The exhibition As Above, So Belowhosted at the GAM – Modern Art Gallery of Milan – until 3 July, it presents 25 images including photographic prints, a plaster print and two sculptures from the GAM sculpture depot. There Weather in Sighicelli he photographed them in the basement, without moving anything.

A correlation between the world of the museum that follows strict rules and that of the secret life that animates the statues hidden from everyone’s eyes. Sculptures that show the signs of time: from whitening dust to mutilation. In relationship between photography and object, between image and reality, between sculpture and humanitythe idea of ​​the negative and of specular contrast appears as constant in the choices of the exhibition. It is no coincidence that one room hosts five photographic diptychs focused on the positive and negative combination. A relationship between statue and image able to revive the sculpture, giving it life.

Elisa Sighicelli diptych untitled 2021

“I focused my attention on the possible relationships between the sculptures, caused by random proximity,” explains the artist. What gives Magic moments.

The review When fear eats the soulin the rooms of PAC – Pavilion of Contemporary Art of Milan until 12 June, it consists of a selection of films, videos, photos and sculptures created over the years by the 56-year-old Polish Żmijewski. Highly topical works that refer us to the scars of an armed confrontation.

Works that investigate the relationship between extreme emotions and their physical expressions: handicapped, crippled, mutilated, sick, old. The bodies in total desolation. A life filled with fear: from the fear of racism to the fear of death, from the fear of mental disorders and disability to the fear of not being accepted, understood.

ARTUR Z.   Gestures ARTUR Z. Gestures

Żmijewski does not make discounts. With his works he torments us with the aim of awakening our consciences, reflecting on the socio-political problems of our contemporaneity, putting ourselves in front of the cruel reality of a humanity with an instinctive inclination to evil.

From the gestures of hatred and cruelty in the photographic series Refugeesin the video Me and aidsit’s still…

ARTUR Z.   An Eye for An Eye ARTUR Z. An Eye for An Eye

Up to the opera Political gestures – inspired by the iconography of Hitler’s propaganda – in which the gestures typical of dictatorial political power are documented by a sequence of expressions of a subject that gradually grows in intensity, until the face is monstrous and conquered by anger.

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW – GAM – Milan Modern Art Gallery – Via Palestro, 16 – Milan
29 March – 3 July 2022 –

WHEN FEAR EATS THE SOUL PAC Contemporary Art Pavilion – via Palestro 14 – Milan
29 March – 12 June 2022 –

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