The Braverman case poisons Sunak’s debut in the municipalities

by time news – Rishi Sunak’s government has just begun and controversy is already wasting. The back and forth between the new prime minister and the leader of the Labor oppositionKeir Starmer, in the House of Commons, was definitely vitriolic.

Two issues on which Sunak was openly challenged. The first is the controversial appointment as head of the Interior Ministry of Suella Braverman, the second the video, taken without her knowledge in August, in which she declared that she would facilitate the financing of the richest areas of the country at the expense of the most depressed ones.

Rumors accuse Sunak of promising Braverman the job if she supported him in the race to become prime minister. And she certainly did, writing an article in favor of her from the columns of the Telegraph.

From the opposition benches, Starmer accused Sunak of making a “dirty deal” because he was so weak that he was afraid of not being elected a second time. He also accused him of having thought, once again, of the interests of him and of his party rather than of the country.

Starmer also tried to show that the new prime minister has no intention of helping the underprivileged already throttled by the rising cost of living and the video stolen in August would prove it. Speaking of the Braverman affair, Labor together with the Liberal Democrats have asked for a parliamentary investigation into the affair.

Alistair Charmichael, Head of Interior for the Lib Dems, said: “The appointment of Suella Braverman makes Sunak’s heralded intentions of restoring integrity to Downing Street a mockery.” The appointment of the minister it is considered a misstep also by Sunak’s close collaborators. If this translates into yet another turnaround by the conservatives, it will be understood in the next few hours.

However, the controversy does not seem destined to die out. An error whose consequences Sunak has perhaps underestimated. Meanwhile, another challenge awaits the new prime minister: that of the mini budget maneuver. Sunak today assembled his first cabinet and he has postponed what appears to be another stark contrast to his government.

The appointment is now set for next November 17th, it was supposed to be Monday October 31st. “It is important to make difficult decisions well by consulting on them,” he told his ministers. According to Chancellor Hunt, the plan, which led to the resignation of her predecessor Liz Truss, will have to be calibrated “as much as possible on economic forecasts”.

“Our number one priority is economic stability – added the chancellor, reiterating the message given yesterday by Sunak himself – but above all to restore confidence in the country”.

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