The brick leads the creation and dissolution of companies — idealista/news

by time news

2023-07-07 14:07:02

The brick is being the leading sector this year in the business field. And it is that it has led the creation of companies in the first semester… although also the destruction of businesses.

According to data from Iberinform, a subsidiary of Crédito y Caución, construction and real estate have accounted for 24% of the new companies that have been incorporated in Spain between January and June. And they have represented the same percentage in the case of dissolutions, which means that practically one in four companies that are created and destroyed is linked to this activity.

As the company details, In the year as a whole, the creation of the productive fabric accumulates a rise of 11%, with 61,613 new companies in the first semestercompared to the 55,484 registered in the same period of 2022. Only in June 10,554 businesses have surfaced, 13% more than in the sixth month of last year (9,322 units).

“These new firms They are concentrated in Madrid (23% of the total), Catalonia (19%), Andalusia (18%) and the Valencian Community (13%)followed by the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands (both archipelagos with 4%), while, by activity sectors, constitutions are concentrated in construction and real estate (24% of the total), followed by commerce (18%), business services (15%) and hospitality (13%),” the document cites.

The brick gains ground compared to last year, accumulating an increase of 6.9%, after adding about 14,787 new companies. This improvement comes hand in hand with the construction, whose year-on-year rise reached 26%, while real estate activities fell by 26%. In both cases they are among the most outstanding figures in the national ranking.

Specifically, the most intense growth in constitutions was registered in the energy sectors (51% more new companies than between January and June 2022), catering (32%), hospitality (29%), automotive trade (28% ) and construction (26%). On the other hand, the most pronounced falls were recorded in metallurgy (-68%), the automotive industry (-56%), the extractive industry (-33%) and real estate (-26%).

Protagonist also in the dissolutions

Iberinform also places the brick at the head of the destruction of companies in the first half of the year. According to their data, the solutions accumulate a interannual drop of 0.6%, after accounting for 16,301 cases, compared to 16,393 in the first six months of last year. Only in June, there have been 1,868 dissolutions, 6.5% than in the sixth month of 2022 (1,998 units).

In this case, summarizes the Crédito y Caución subsidiary, “the destruction of the business fabric is concentrated in Madrid (30% of the total), Andalusia (14%), the Valencian Community (12%) and Catalonia (7%)”, followed by Euskadi and Galicia (with 5%).

By sectors of activity, “dissolutions are concentrated in construction and real estate (representing 24% of the total), followed by commerce (19%) and business services (15%). They are less intense in the manufacturing industry (6.8%), hospitality (6.3%) and the primary sector (1.5%) sectors”. Thus, in the first six months of 2023 Some 3,912 brick companies would have ceased to operate.

Compared to last year, the sector breaks the general downward trend of business destruction and registers an increase of 8.5%, with increases of 15% in the case of real estate activities and 4.7% in construction. Even so, they are not among the sectors where business closures are increasing the most.

“The most intense growth in dissolutions is registered in the financial sectors (105% more company closures than between January and June 2022), the automotive industry (44%), restaurants (19%) and hospitality (17%) The most pronounced falls are registered in the extractive industry (-26%), electronics and ICT manufacturing (-23%), the textile industry (-18%) and the food industry (-16%),” the study concludes.

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