The ‘brunch’ prevails over dinner: Why are half of Spaniards reducing nightlife?

by time news

2023-07-19 15:28:41

48% of Spaniards have reduced their nightlife and has turned it into daytime consumption. 39% say that goes out to dinner lessbut more to eat. And 25%, who have recently incorporated new moments of leisure, such as the aperitifhe ‘brunch‘ (a hearty breakfast more like a small meal) or meet for have a drink right after work. “Lifestyle changes and the impact of the economic crisis mean that consumption in the hotel industry is changing”, introduces the report of the association of manufacturers and distributors Aecoc responsible for these data, a study that reflects that no less than a part of the sample (43%) acknowledges that they are spending less on restaurants because they have a worse economic situation at home.

According to this x-ray, a little more than a third of the population say they are going out less, and half of this group says that even so, they spend the same or more. Along these lines, a quarter of the 54% of those surveyed who answered that it comes out the same as beforeYou think you spend more. “Due to the increase in prices, to maintain the frequency of consumption, more is spent, even those who now go out less, spend the same or more than before,” summarizes this report prepared in collaboration with 40dB, campofrío y Frit Ravich.

Given this scenario, the percentage of people who prefer take the tupperware to work instead of going out to eat at a restaurant (from 53% last year to 59% this year); recovers the importance of lunch menu in the case of those who go out to eat (45% who are assiduous are waiting for it find cheaper menus); and change certain behaviors, such as prioritize daytime leisure over nighttime.

Young and fast food crowd

“The place for dinner is [propio] by one older customerbut the protagonist of the recovery of the restaurants is the young publicthe one who cannot spend on bigger things and who is much more given to daytime consumption and more of fast food than tablecloth”, outlines the IESE professor expert in consumer behavior, Jose Luis Nuenowhich includes in the list of factors that are tilting the balance towards ‘brunch’ and food in general, the still effect of confinementhe definitive closure of establishments that caused the covid, the opening of new premises more in line with these trends, and, of course, the search for savings.

“In the first thing that the consumer wants to cut spending is in the restaurantbut in practice it is what is cut less”, says Nueno based on a study of spending and behavior of his own consumer that is about to see the light. Thus, this decantation towards food seems logical: “There are the element that you are working, that you tend to eat less and that there is not as much alcohol, which is one of the factors that triggers the price the most“suggests this professor

In this line, the last analysis of the association Hostelry of Spain shows that the hotel business is growing month by month, but that consumption is still moderate. According to a statement sent this Wednesday, the first half of 2023 has been marked by the recovery of the hospitality sector compared to before the pandemic both because of the national demand as for him turismo foreign. However, “the effect of the recovery has been stronger in the tourist consumption and of idleness and, instead, there has been one more slow recovery in daily consumption“, points out the text, which relates this situation above all to the effect of teleworking and also confirms the impression that the consumer is containing spending.

#brunch #prevails #dinner #Spaniards #reducing #nightlife

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