The bumpy fate of Sara Srayeva Freedom

by time news

2023-05-09 23:11:29

Chairman of the National Council, professor Jamil Hasanli

All these negative answers did not discourage Mrs. Sara. Despite living in very difficult conditions, he persistently continued his efforts to acquit his father. Immediately after receiving this answer, he wrote a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU on June 28, 1959, stating that what was said about his father was not true. In the articles published in Azerbaijan, Mrs. Sara pointed out that Tagiyev was allegedly against the Azerbaijani language, and reminded that this was slander, and that her father had written a letter to the government about the introduction of his mother tongue. He rightly pointed out that “scientists like the fruits of the spiritual and cultural achievements of the capitalist era, but they do not like the material roots of the development of capitalism. As in Lap Krylov’s fable, the pig likes the acorn of the oak, but does not like its root. Arbitrariness reigns in the science department on the history of the development of culture. I am asking you, Nikita Sergeevich, to entrust the open discussion of historical controversies to open debates, and these discussions in the presence of party leaders on issues of history and Marxism
can prevent mistakes in the application of scientific theory”.

In her other appeals written earlier, Ms. Sara reminded that the leading women who were the best-known representatives of Azerbaijan’s education and culture, science and health in the Soviet era were the students of Taghiyev’s girls’ school. At the same time, he met Ms. Nabat Narimanova, honored teacher Ms. Gumru Narimanova (both relatives of Nariman Narimanov), honored teacher Sara Efendiyeva, professor Umnisa Musabayova, mother of the great composer Gara Garayev, professor Sona Akhundova, Ayna Sultanova, member of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party. the wife of the former secretary, doctor Khavar Garayeva-Shabanova, her sister, who is a doctor by profession, Shahrabanu Khasmammadova-Shabanova, doctor Sakina Alikishibeyova, scientific workers Izzet Majidova, Dostu Safarova, Taza Hashimova, Govhar Usubova, Maryam Sazonova, well-known He mentioned the names of the composer Tofig Guliyev’s mother, Goody khanum Mahmudova, 1 artist Reyhan khanum Topchibashova, well-known doctors Firangiz Novruzova, Hayatnisa Dilbazi, Jannat khanum Mukhranskaya, Sariya khanum Ahmedova, Salima khanum Yagubova, Khadija khanum Aghayeva, Adila khanum Shahtakhtinskaya and other leading women.

Sara Khanum’s stubborn fight to restore her father’s name has yielded some results. Taghiyev’s name began to be mentioned in a number of publications. On February 23, 1961, the Republican Glavlit wrote to the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party that in the materials sent to the department from various publishing houses for the purpose of verification in the last two years, Baku millionaire and industrialist Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev was kind to readers in a number of cases, concerned about the development of culture and art, and education in Azerbaijan. is presented as the man showing. Khalil Efendiyev complained that although Glavlit removed his name from these publications, materials presenting millionaire Taghiyev as a progressive public figure continued to appear. As one of such materials, he pointed to the article of Vali Mammadov included in the 10th issue of the Azerbaijan magazine. The example cited by the censor from the article stated: “On September 20, 1901, they were preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the services and activities of Baku millionaire Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev. They had been preparing for the anniversary for a year in advance. It was said about Taghiyev that he was born in a poor cobbler’s family and started to get rich when he was 40 years old. He was the biggest millionaire of Baku and at the same time the biggest exploiter of the working masses. However, the emergence of national progress related to the development of capitalism began to follow Taghiyev. The end of the 19th century was so progressive in the development of capitalism and the national bourgeoisie
It was a time when many capitalists began to contribute to the general national progress as much as their conscience allowed. In Azerbaijan, Taghiyev opened the first technical crafts school, the first Muslim girls’ school, weaving school and built the first theater building. Taghiyev helped in socially useful works, gave scholarships to many poor students. Azerbaijan’s educational and cultural figures did not have the same opportunity as Taghiyev. That’s why they used Taghiyev for national progress, they liked his public activities.”

Then Khalil Efendiyev informed the Central Committee that in the autumn of 1960, the publishing house of Azerbaijan State University published a booklet entitled “On the history of library work in Azerbaijan (1870-1920)” by Abuzar Khalafov, which consisted of six printed sheets, under the editorship of Mohbali Gasimov. When writing about Nariman Narimanov’s opening of a reading room in Baku in 1894, the author notes that at the request of Narimanov and other intellectuals, the reading room bought many newspapers and books at the expense of millionaire Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev. they also promote Taghiyev as an educator. He noted that “on November 9, 1960, the guests of the Mardakan rest house were taken on an excursion to historical places. The employee of the rest house, A. Aliyev, showed Taghiyev’s grave to the participants of the excursion, in addition to the mosque shown in the short information booklet of the Baku City Excursions Bureau. During the tour, Aliyev presented Tagiyev as a kind man and told the tour participants that Tagiyev was a very kind man, helped the poor, gave them money, built a university building in Baku, opened a theater, a factory, organized a school, etc. Nariman Narimanov positively evaluated the activity of Taghiyev. One of the tour participants asked Aliyev: If he was such a kind person, why didn’t they put a good monument to Taghiyev? Aliyev replied that this happened in 1924, and the nation was not so developed then. This was witnessed by our censor, LBAvanesyan, a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Khalil Efendiyev reported that Taghiyev’s daughter collected memories from people who knew his father and submitted them to the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. In the information, it was stated that among those memories were the memories of Professor Feyzulla Gasimzade of Azerbaijan State University and Heydar Verdiyev, an employee of the Russian Language Institute named after MFA Khundov. According to the censor, F. Gasimzadeh wrote in his memoirs: “Despite the fact that Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev was a great capitalist, he was also a great educator, helped the poor, and was a useful person. Taghiyev built schools not only in Mardakan, but also in other villages of Azerbaijan. In general, Taghiyev was a person who tried to educate the illiterate peasants, helped the poor and loved his people”.1 According to Khalil Efendiyev, Heydar Verdiyev wrote in his memoirs that it would be either 1904 or 1905. Taghiyev opened an evening school for young workers in his factory, and he himself visited the school. Once Taghiyev came to the class and urged us to study with serious effort and said that I opened this school for you to study, I appointed good teachers here. My children, read, I wish you success. In a short time, I finished primary school and completed a two-year teaching course under him. During the Soviet period, I graduated from the second Moscow University and graduate school under it.” Verdiyev later wrote that “now I work in a university and I am financially secure. For all this, I am indebted to Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, who guided me to the right path with his insistence and explanations. I have always believed and believe that Taghiyev was one of the greatest educators of our people”…

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