the business climate deteriorated a little in June

by time news

Business slowed down in trade and services but progressed slightly in construction and industry.

The business climate deteriorated slightly in June, reflecting a decline in optimism in the service sector and in retail trade, INSEE reported on Thursday. The indicator that summarizes the business climate, obtained from a survey of business leaders, lost 2 points compared to May, settling at 104 points, therefore still remaining above its average. long term which is 100, detailed the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies.

The retail trade sector (-3 points) is experiencing a “deterioration of employment and activity prospects», at a time when inflation in France reached levels not seen since the 1980s, slowing down household consumption. In services (-1 point), business leaders are also a little less optimistic about their business prospects, details INSEE.

Conversely, the business climate improved a little in building (+1 point), however mainly reflecting a more favorable opinion of their past activity than greater optimism for the future, as well as in industry ( +2 points), with in the latter better production prospects. At the same time, the general employment climate deteriorated in June for the third consecutive month, particularly in services, temporary work agencies and retail trade, even if it remains above its long-term average, notes l ‘Insee.

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