the call for businesses in the webinar on May 6th

by time news

At the center of the webinar on May 6th at 3:00 pm there will be the Lombardy Region’s call Ri.Circo.Lo. The event is of interest to Lombardy MSMEs who want to find out about the benefits for promoting the circular economy and improving waste management from the plastics and textile supply chains. Registration is free

Il Ri.Circo.Lo call. of the Lombardy Region is at the center of webinar of May 6, 2024organized by Informazione Fiscale in collaboration with Leyton Italia.

The appointment, at 3.00 pm, is aimed at Lombardy MSMEs who want to find out about the relief for the promotion ofcircular economy and improve waste management from the plastics and textile supply chains.

These companies may be recipients of non-repayable contributions to cover part of the eligible expenses, up to a maximum of 300,000 euros.

The requests they are leaving: they open at 9:00 am on 7 May 2024.

During the webinar, various aspects of the tender will be explored in depth, from the requirements to the eligible expenses, passing through the documentation to be presented.

Speakers of the training event that will take place from 3pm to 4.15pm I am:

  • Pierfrancesco Carastro, Head of sales grants di Leyton Italy;
  • Tommaso Gavi, Fiscal Information journalist.

It is necessary to participate sign up for free through the appropriate one registration page.

Ri.Circo.Lo. Lombardy Region: the call for businesses in the webinar on 6 May

They can participate in the call from the Lombardy Region Ri.Circo.Lo. companies with a local production unit registered and active in the Company Register of the Lombardy Chamber of Commerce.

Companies must carry out interventions within a operational headquarters in Lombardyactive upon submission of the application or activated no later than the request for payment of the balance.

Lombardy MSMEs will be able to access a non-repayable contribution of 50 percent of eligible expenses, up to one maximum of 300,000 eurosin compliance with the “de minimis” aid limit for a period of 3 years starting from the day of disbursement of the first aid.

Under particular conditions, the loan can cover 60 percent of the expenses incurred.

Applications can be submitted starting from 09:00 on 7 May 2024. The expiration is set at 16:00 on 18 June 2024.

The assignment of contributions, for which they are allocated overall 5 million euroswill be based on a ranking evaluation procedure.

The different aspects of the call, from the beneficiaries to the projects and eligible expenses, will be explored in depth during the webinar on May 6th at 3:00 pm.

Il plan is structured as follows:

  • the Ri.Circo.Lo. tender;
  • interventions, subjects and resources;
  • the characteristics of the benefit;
  • phases and times of the procedure;
  • final obligations and provisions;
  • documentation and attachments;
  • il principio DNSH (Do Not Significant Harm).

Participation is free and you can register via the appropriate form registration page.

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