the calls of the ministry-

by time news
from Cristina Marrone

Possible food contamination harmful to health. The sweet gorgonzola marketed by Eurospin while the fennel pesto destined for large-scale distribution chains

The Ministry of Health has issued a new call for the possible presence of listeria monocytogenes which concerns a lot of gorgonzola marketed by the discount chain Eurospin Italia Spa and produced by the company Gelmini Carlo srl, with headquarters of the active plant in via Papa Giovanni XXIII n 15 in Besate in the province of Milan. The Pascoli Italiani product brand while the denomination Sweet Gorgonzola Dop. The production batch in question number 218246252, sold in a 300 gram pack, with identification mark It 03 39 CE and expiring on November 8, 2022.

The recommendation of do not consume the product and return it to the store for replacement or refund. In this case it is a case of suspected presence of listeria and not a confirmed case. The bacterium is typically found in raw milk cheeses, raw meat and fish but also in dirty vegetables and water; it tolerates salty environments and low temperatures for this reason it can survive even in the refrigerator, at temperatures of 2 and 4. The bacterium is instead inactivated by cooking the food at 72 for at least 15 seconds. The new withdrawal for listeria follows those that have occurred in recent weeks which involved some batches of wurstel, sandwiches and pancakes.

Symptoms of listeriosis

Rarely, healthy adults and children develop severe disease, although sporadically they may become infected. Pregnant women, immunosuppressed, fragile subjects are more at risk. Symptoms vary according to the dose of bacterium with which you had contact and the state of health of the subject. It goes from flu-like or gastrointestinal formssometimes accompanied by high fevera septicemic forms, meningitis or abortion. In the most serious cases, death occurs.

In recent days, packs of Porchetta di Ariccia Igp Iperal high quality selection brand. The producer of Prosciuttificio San Michele srl, with a plant in Lesignano De ‘Bagni in the province of Parma. the packs are 90 gr. The lots to be recalled, as stated in the document published by the Ministry of Health, are V232134, V232703, V233395, V234224, V234230, V235970, V236049, expiring on October 30, 2022. Also in this case, the notice to consumers who have purchased the product not to consume it and return the packages to the point of sale.

Fennel pesto which may contain Botox

A third recall, this time due to the suspected presence of Botox, concerns packs of 190 grams of fennel pesto produced and packaged by the company Alicos srl of Trapani on behalf of some large distribution chains, transited through a national and online sales platform with expiration date 15 September 2024 and lot number 15ST22. The company immediately ordered the withdrawal of the product on the market for Serious risk potential proliferation of dangerous bacterial flora (C. botulinunr) due to incorrect acidification of the product (pH out of standard). The ASL investigations are underway to assess the extent of the alert on the regional and extra-regional territory.

What is botulinum toxin

The botulism toxin develops from the microorganism Clostridium botulinum, common in the soil and in the air and harmless as long as it comes in contact with oxygen. Sometimes the c’s turn it into a threat to healthactive food storage conditions. The toxin it comes in fact produced in the absence of oxygen and when temperatures exceed five to ten degrees. However, it does not form in very acidic environments, such as tomato sauce or vinegar. Its real enemy is heat, which destroys it: just cook food at 105 degrees for two hours or in the pressure cooker for ten minutes. On the other hand, if the cooking is short and the food is preserved in oil, there is a risk that some spores will escape.

Generally the level of environmental contamination in botulinum spores is very low and can therefore be point-like in the same production batch, it can happen that only some packages are contaminated.


Symptoms of intoxication are manifested in
kind within 12-24 hours
and usually the earlier they are, the more severe the disease. They can range from a mild discomfort that does not require medical attention, to a fulminant illness that leads to death in a few days. The first symptoms are characterized by weakness, dizziness, dry throat they are followed by the signs of paralysisespecially in the muscles innervated by the cranial nerves: difficulty in swallowing and speaking, visual disturbances (strabismus, double vision, drooping of the eyelids) in severe cases there is death from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. If the patient survives the rapid and complete recovery.

Since the consumption of minimal quantities of food contaminated with botulinum toxins can cause the disease, anyone holding a jar that corresponds to the characteristics of the recall should also avoid tasting it. Possible owners of suspicious packs can safely eliminate them using the following procedure:

October 17, 2022 (change October 17, 2022 | 11:35)

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