The Carlos III University of Madrid and the Alianza #CEOPorLaDiversidad come together to promote an innovative chair on Leadership and Diversity

by time news

2023-07-04 14:49:35

The Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) has formalized an agreement to promote the Leadership and Diversity Chair with the #CEOPorLaDiversidad Alliance, developed by the Adecco Foundation and the CEOE Foundation, which already has the adhesion of 91 CEOs of large companies. This initiative will promote the reciprocal transfer of knowledge between the University and the business world, through research activities, training actions and transfer and dissemination initiatives related to the subject.

The agreement has been signed by Ángel Arias, rector of UC3M; Antonio Garamendi, president of the CEOE; Fátima Báñez, president of the CEOE Foundation; and Enrique Sánchez, president of the Adecco Foundation. The person in charge of the Chair is the UC3M professor, Carmen Paz Aparicio, Associate Professor of Business Organization at UC3M.

University and business: the win-win effect that multiplies

The Chair is currently oriented towards a strategic theme for companies, to the extent that diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) policies and the commitment to inclusive leadership occupy a prominent place on the business agenda. Thus, organizations are increasingly aware that having inclusive leaders, who value and take advantage of the diversity of the workforce and all stakeholders, allows them to understand the needs of society, making more conscious, responsible and informed decisions. sustainable.

The added value of this initiative is based on the fact that university-business collaboration produces an indisputable symbiosis. In the first place, the University will promote academic research on leadership and diversity, promoting an innovative vision of equity and inclusion -fundamental dimensions in the business field-, while companies will have the opportunity to be closer to the generating focus of knowledge, drawing on university research to continue progressing in their strategies.

In this way, the implementation of this Chair will produce a win-win effect with great potential to accelerate and provide greater concreteness to leadership and diversity policies, amplifying results and progressing on the proposed objectives. For its development, a multidisciplinary team from the academic and business fields, made up of professionals of recognized prestige, who will contribute different perspectives and experiences.

The rector of UC3M, Angel Arias, has highlighted that the creation of this Chair allows the development of a “tailor-made” ecosystem of interaction and collaboration between the UC3M, the CEOE, the CEOE Foundation and the Adecco Foundation, which implies the development of a set of actions that will benefit all the institutions involved. In addition, he added that “leadership and diversity represent one of the fundamental and transversal axes of the strategy of business organizations today. The Chair will serve as a platform to develop research activities of common interest and will facilitate the development of knowledge seeking a social impact”.

The professor who will direct the Chair, Carmen Paz-Aparicio, has thanked the signatories for all the support and trust received and pointed out that “it is a source of joy for UC3M and, of course, for me that the main entity representing companies in Spain, the CEOE, shares the interest in the development and execution of this initiative, as well as the achievement of its purposes, committing to its support and promotion. Finally, he added that “this Chair on Leadership and Diversity, framed in the CEOPorlaDiversidad Alliance, is a dream come true, working and collaborating directly with the leaders of the most important companies in our country, which constitutes an excellent platform for knowledge transfer between the university, the business world and our society.”

For his part, the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendihas highlighted the importance of «continuing to advance in the creation of spaces for collaboration and in the alliance between the business world and the academic world, so that companies can give the best of themselves to society, in this case combining research, leadership and inclusion as gateways to progress”.

Along the same lines, the president of the CEOE Foundation, fatima banez has ensured that this chair “represents a further step in the CEO alliance for Diversity” and “an investment in excellence, science and talent to grow from rigor and keep this project at the forefront in Europe”. “One more example that shows that companies think big, bringing companies closer to the university through Spanish society”, he added.

For his part, Enrique Sanchez has commented that: “This initiative is an excellent opportunity to accelerate the much-needed rapprochement between the business world and the university environment. By uniting the strengths of both agents, we promote an environment of collaboration and mutual enrichment that will provide a more academic approach to the diversity and leadership policies that we have been proposing and developing in the Alliance since 2019, while promoting training and training of future professionals in such strategic and relevant dimensions for companies. The fact that the #CEOPorLaDiversity Alliance is made up of 91 committed CEOs and their operational teams gives this Chair great projection, which will be able to advance its objectives, sponsored by people who believe in diversity and who strive to exercise a inclusive leadership”.

Research, training and knowledge transfer

The Leadership and Diversity Chair will be articulated around three main axes of action: research activities, training actions and initiatives for the transfer and dissemination of the knowledge generated.

Refering to investigation, An Ideas Laboratory will be set up to identify strategic study areas, promoting the preparation of reports and studies, research projects that give rise to articles in scientific publications, as well as the organization of national and/or international conferences, where focused papers will be presented. in leadership and diversity.

In the plane formative, actions will be developed to train students and teachers in leadership and diversity. Likewise, work will be done to improve the skills of business leaders in this field. To this end, training scholarships will be promoted for the completion of doctoral theses related to the Chair, prizes will be created for research papers, postgraduate programs or training courses for management teams and business leaders. In addition, among other actions, contests to generate ideas among students will be promoted, with the mission of improving leadership and diversity in companies.

Finally, the knowledge generated in the Chair will be shared through transfer and disclosure actions such as conferences, round tables, communications and calls to the media, etc. The Chair will also create its own website with different profiles on social networks, which will be managed by a scholarship holder, responsible for its coordination and management.

#Carlos #III #University #Madrid #Alianza #CEOPorLaDiversidad #promote #innovative #chair #Leadership #Diversity

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