The Catholic Church lends a helping hand to the people suffering from the energy crisis in Europe

by time news

The European Union’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference has called for Europe to tackle the energy crisis in a way that is acceptable to ordinary people this winter.

Fr. Jinu Jacob, Vatican City

European Union Catholic Bishops’ Committee Against Rising Inflation and the Energy Crisis. In a press release issued by Monsignor Anthony Herod, President of the Episcopal Committee on Social Affairs, he highlighted the need for solidarity between countries and the struggle to build energy together.

Uncontrolled inflation and energy crisis

The energy crisis and rising prices are among the most important problems facing the old European countries in recent months. The press release of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the European Union is a reminder of the need for European countries to stand together without any compromise on these two issues that have seriously affected the common people. The Catholic Church has informed the European Union that it is worried that the European people, who are angry in front of the price increase, will fall into the abyss of poverty.

War and associated energy crisis

The Russia-Ukraine war that started on February twenty-fourth of this year has really upset the common people. The unscientific decisions taken by countries in energy import and export without discussing and building any alternative systems have led to a major crisis. This has resulted in a miserable situation from small industries to large industries going to stand still. The bishop committee also asked to find effective ways to overcome this energy crisis which has pushed many people to commit suicide.

The social dimension of the Church and its teachings

In view of the Church’s social policy of becoming the voice of the poor, the bishops’ committee calls on all European countries to stand together. The committee reminded that it is the duty of every government to guarantee justice and peace, and to give special consideration to the underprivileged people in the society.

Financial relief and energy savings

The Council of Bishops advises the European Union to distribute resources equitably to all by eliminating social inequalities, prioritize energy efficiency and identify targets for responsible reductions in energy consumption.

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