The CBS data reveals: this is the city with the highest quality of life in Israel

by time news

The Central Bureau of Statistics published today (Tuesday) the quality of life index in Israel’s major cities. The data shows that Rishon Lezion leads in most quality of life indicators compared to the other cities on the list. It leads in the percentage of employees whose job allows promotion, in feeling appreciated by family members, in the lowest percentages of feeling depressed and lonely, in satisfaction with the apartment, in satisfaction with the living area, in satisfaction with parks and green areas in the living area and in the percentage of internet users.

The data also shows that Rehovot leads in the percentage of employed people who are satisfied with their income and trust in the health system, and that Ramat Gan leads in the lowest rate of long-term unemployment, the lowest rate of infant mortality, a sense of security in the dark, life expectancy, trust in the justice system, a sense of ability to deal with problems and use of government services online.

Kfar Saba leads in median income and in the lowest percentage of households that pay for housing 30% or more of the net financial income. As in 2021, there were no fatalities in traffic accidents in Kfar Saba and there were no coliform abnormalities in the drinking water tests.

In 2021, Petah Tikva moved to the group of cities with a high overall score in quality of life indicators and leads in satisfaction with cleanliness in the residential area, and in the lowest percentages of feelings of loneliness and feelings of discrimination.

Netanya moved in 2021 to the group of cities with a high overall score in quality of life indicators and is the leader in the lowest percentage of the cost of housing services per month.

In 2021, Ashkelon moved to the group of cities with a high overall score in quality of life indicators and is ranked second in these indicators: in the percentage of employees whose job position allows for promotion, in satisfaction with parks and green areas in the residential area, and in satisfaction with life.

The quality of life index in the 16 largest cities in Israel (photo: no credit)

The data also shows that Tel Aviv-Yafo leads in the employment rate, in the percentage of those employed in an involuntary part-time job, in the percentage of those employed whose job matches their field of study, in the lowest percentage of dissatisfaction with the length of time it takes to get to work, in the rate of eligibility for matriculation, in civic involvement, trust in the justice system, General trust in others and computer accessibility.

Haifa leads in job satisfaction, the lowest housing density, post-secondary education and higher education, and trust in the government.

Beit Shemesh leads in the lowest number of new cases of malignant tumors (cancer) among women.

Bnei Brak leads in the lowest number of new cases of malignant tumors (cancer) among men, in self-esteem of health, in satisfaction with public transportation, in expectations regarding the future, in the lowest percentage of overweight in grades 1 and 7, in satisfaction with life, in satisfaction From the economic situation, those involved in voluntary activity and the highest turnout rate in the elections to the 24th Knesset.

Beer Sheva leads in the quality of drinking water and the lowest percentage of external noise disturbing the apartment.

Ashdod ranks third in the ability to deal with problems and leads in the quality of drinking water – with no coliform abnormalities.

Holon ranks second in the balance between work and other areas of life and leads in the quality of drinking water – with no coliform abnormalities.

Jerusalem leads in the percentage of waste that was recycled, in the percentage of women in management in the public sector, in the balance between work and other areas of life, in the feeling of security in an online environment and in the quality of drinking water – without coliform abnormalities.

Bat Yam ranks second in trust in the government.

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