The CDM approves the Def and the budget variance of 40 billion

by time news – The Council of Ministers has given the green light to the Def which includes a further budget gap of 40 billion, resources that will be used for a new measure to support businesses and the economy. In this regard, the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, said he hopes that this will be “the last intervention of this magnitude”

The government has revised its growth estimate downwards GDP in 2021 at 4.5%, compared to what was forecast last autumn, when the target of 6% was set. In 2022 the product is expected to grow by 4.8%, in 2023 by 2.6%, in 2024 by 1.8%.

Following the decision to ask Parliament for an additional € 40 billion gap, the deficit will rise to 11.8% of GDP this year, to then drop to 5.9% in 2022, 4.3% in 2023 and 3.4% in 2024. Starting from 2025, the deficit / GDP ratio will return to fall below 3%.

As for the debt, in 2021 it will touch the threshold of 159.8% this year, and then decrease to 156.3% in 2022, to 155% in 2023 and to 152.7% in 2024. The unemployment rate will rise from 9 , 3% in 2020 to 9.6% in 2021, and then drop to 9.2 in 2022 and 8.5% in 2023 until reaching 8% in 2024.

In the draft of the Def, Minister Franco announces that the decree of aid to businesses will see the light “by the end of April. The first need that the government has felt, and still feels – explains Franco – is to continue to support the economy with great determination, first of all compensating the workers and companies most damaged by the health measures that became necessary. This not only for reasons of dutiful solidarity and social cohesion, but also to prevent the definitive closure of jobs and companies that in normal conditions would be able to stay on the market and lower the country’s potential GDP “.

The new decree, assures the minister, will have as “main target the self-employed workers and businesses and will concentrate resources on strengthening the resilience of the companies most impacted by the closures, the availability of credit and capitalization. Priority will be given to the speed of interventions , while safeguarding its fairness and effectiveness “


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