The CEO of Tnuva is aware of the effect of the price increase: “Life is complex”

by time news

In the middle of last month, the food giant Tnuva announced that it intends to raise the price of hundreds of products, due to the increase in the price of raw milk, which has risen by half a shekel per liter since 2019. The company’s CEO, Eyal Melis, addressed the issue this morning (Tuesday) and at the Ma’ale ESG conference for the reasonable public discourse Because he is certainly aware of the public discourse of the last few days.

“Life is complex. We try to take into account all stakeholders,” said Mills, explaining that these are suppliers, community, customers, consumers, employees, media, regulation and shareholders. “The wisdom is to know how to serve everyone’s interests, to balance and provide an adapted response to each of them in a sensitive manner, with consideration, responsibility and commitment. This is our method of operation and this is how we conduct ourselves.”

“Providing food security” Photo: shutterstock

The CEO of the largest dairy in Israel added that the high cost of living in the Amir requires conduct in a complex environment while taking into account several aspects: “Toward the consumers, we conduct ourselves responsibly and proportionately as we have done even now with consistent work, alongside the fact that we know how to provide food security at all times. In front of the dairy farmers – we have an obligation towards them and we make sure to pay them on time. In front of our employees – our commitment is to provide them with job security. I do my best and also take care of the cost of living, lowering costs, making sure to pay the dairy farmers on time, I feel that I am doing a faithful job from the heart and soul.”

Shufersal confirmed the price increase

Earlier today Shufersell, the largest food chain in Israel, announced that it intends to approve the price increase of some of Tnuva’s dairy products. “In light of the lack of the variety of milk products and substitutes available in Shufersal branches and in order not to harm the chain’s customers, Tnuva’s request for a price increase was thoroughly examined – the request was only partially approved for products for which there are no substitutes in the other brands,” it was reported.

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